RM scenario I can’t seem to make it work

Think of your options this way. I want my front door to always be locked except when I return, then I want it to re-lock after 10min.

Let say I choose presence as my trigger & I selected everyone’s leaves.

My condition would be presence everyone’s all not present.

Keeping in mind the only action I want to set is the lock feature.

My true action would be locked (Which means when I’m away my door will be locked)

My false action would be locked ( because I don’t want my door unlocked when someone is present that will be handed by another automation called I’m back)

Now I set up my two I’m back automations one for daytime & one for nighttime. The rest of the actions would be identical.

Trigger is when any arrives.

Condition nighttime ( sunset-sunrise). & my second rule would have (sunrise-sunset)

My true action would be door unlocked

Now for my false action I created a separate action call doors locked.

My false action is evaluate action after delay (action doors locked) 10min.

This means 10mins after my rule fired my false action is going to check to see if my door lock is set to locked & if it is not than it will lock it based on the parameters I set up in my door lock action.

If I set my false action to be doors unlocked that means because my trigger is anyone arrives my doors would be unlocked when no one was home.