Rheem EcoNet

That is why I just turn it to “off”.

Vacation didn’t make sense unless you know your going to be gone for a set period of time.

The sense is that when you turn it off the temperature could go lower than 65 making it harder to bring the water back to temperature. But I guess the chances of the water temperature falling below 65 is pretty low during a 8-10 hour period when the room the water is in a room that stays around 65. Reemed won’t provide current water temperature for non-hybrid units so I can’t monitor that.

Personally I just have my Rheem EcoNet paired with my Nest Thermostat, so when Nest goes away, EcoNet goes into vacation mode:

ST Away (NST Manager) --> Nest Away --> EcoNet Vacation.

Works great. I don’t have the hybrid unit, just a normal electric tank.

I did, but I am not getting past the “tiles missing” showing up as the device. I have removed all instances of the water heater on ST and am giving it another shot.
Thanks for checking up, I’ll report back soon.

Okay, after trying again. Any my steps are as follows:

SmartThings installation instructions:

  1. Log in to your the SmartThings IDE. If you don’t have a login yet, create one.
  2. Load contents of Smart App in SmartApps section. From IDE, navigate to My SmartApps > + New SmartApp > From Code. Click Save. Click Publish > “For Me”
  3. Load contents of Device Handler in Device Handlers section. From IDE, navigate to My Device Handler > + New SmartDevice > From Code. Click Save. Click Publish “For Me”
  4. In your mobile app, tap the “+”, go to “My Apps”, furnish your log in details and pick your gateway brand, and a list of devices will be available for you to pick

I did what was above, logged in, and selected my water heater. From the iphone app, I select ‘add device’ and it doesn’t find anything. So from the IDE I add the water heater. It is listed as “active” from the IDE, but my phone shows ‘Tiles Missing’ as the new device. If I hit the gear after I select ‘Tiles Missing’ it tells me “error fetching device, Try again.”

This is the same thing it was doing earlier. I’m still sure I’m missing something really simple, but haven’t a clue what it is.

Do you see your water heater in the rheem app?

JaDo1981 are you still having issues? I don’t remember the pick your gateway brand or anything else like that, looking at my smart app, I am only showing username and password, and server polling time.

Another question for you as it sounds like you might have the exact WH i have, is it electric hybrid? If so i’m not sure you really need an automatic vacation mode. For my day to day use, if i leave it in heat pump mode and space out my kids showers, even with 3-4 showers a day i’m still seeing a 25% lower electric usage rate. And now that it’s getting warmer I ran duct work for the output of the heat pump into my living space and I am getting 52 degree air into the house from the heat pump output.

If you would like i can give you the SmartApp code and device handler codes i’m using and let you know of the changes in the device handler code you need to make to see the info depending on your primary phone, Android or IOS.

Brian, yes, I do have the water heater showing up in my rheem app.

Jason, Yes, I am still having issues. Not sure what the deal is. And yes, I do have the hybrid water heater.
I have noticed the usage rate is way less than my old rheem fury.
I’d love to get the smartapp code, and the changes to make it work.

thanks for the help!

Here is my current code, When you publish smartapps and device handlers in the smartthings developer page, make sure you have selected My locations and select the hub you are adding to first before you click on smart apps and device handlers.

This code is specific for IOS, If you are running android there are a few lines that you need to change, i can post those if your running android.

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That worked like a charm. I’m not sure why I had so many issues before, but it’s all gravy now.

Thank you to you and Brian!!!

Excellent news!

How did you guys get info on the Reem API?

Trial and error along with debug messages and watching the log.

Full credit to jhuff for getting the basics, then like ArstenA said, just watching the log and seeing what comes across and copying existing buttons and adding the new sensors and modes

Were you only looking at ST logs or were there other logs? Someone posted a screenshot of the Reem developer console. I was hoping to get in to that. I tried getting info on who to contact at Reem but Reem customer service are idiots.

Just the ST logs, here is a copy of my logs from Smart things.

[isLoadShiftActive:false, hasCriticalAlert:false, awayTriggered:null, isNestActive:null, type:Water Heater,
connectedSystem:[macAddress:F0-03-8C-FC-B2-71], lowerTemp:98.9156265258789, mode:Heat Pump, supportsUsageData:true,
id:XXXX, scheduleType:null, inUse:true, ambientTemp:63.495540618896484, name:Heat Pump Water Heater Gen 4,
vacationCanBeDisabled:true, isLoadShedActive:false, softwareVersion:WH-HPW4-H3-01-27, awayCanBeDisabled:false,
isAwayModeSupported:false, deviceAddress:XXXX, isLoadShedOpted:false, isEnabled:true, isLoadShiftOpted:false,
isOnVacation:false, isAwayMode:false, upperTemp:126.92070770263672, subType:Heat Pump Water Heater, isConnected:true,
maxSetPoint:140.0, setPoint:130.0, minSetPoint:110.0, modelNumber:XE50T10HD50U1]

Sorry for the newbie question.

I had this working through Smartthings (and the Rheem Econet app) a year or so ago when I got the unit.

I got a new phone a few months back and forgot all about the Econet app. When I downloaded it again it said it doesn’t work anymore and to download their new app which I can’t find?
Anyway, a fuse went out in the disconnect to my water heater this morning or last night so the unit was dead. Any way to set up Smartthings (or even in a rheem app) some type of alert that it lost communication?
Just trying to figure out how to prevent this.

It looks like ST -> Rheem communication broke as of a couple of days ago.

Mine is still talking

Reboot your econet. Mine lost communication a few days ago but after rebooting it it worked again.

So did mine, I just unplugged it and reconnected it and it came back online.