Continuing the discussion from Rule Machine Version 1.9 Released:
If you have a problem similar to that described in the RM thread, please report it ASAP.
Done! Request #202645
As with everyone else, any of my user-developed apps will crash, while ST’s work fine.
my rules are working I can open existing ones but cannot create new. What information are you providing the Helplessdesk?
I did some testing trying to see what the issue might be - fortunately the iOS SmartThings app is extremely chatty (normally one would disable all that logging for release builds…) - this is what happens when I try to open a Dashboard in SmartTiles:
PGSmartAppInstallationManager page:element:child:](184) ERROR Element didn't have a installedAppId or appId/appVersionId
Element Name: childApp2
Page: <STPage: 0x13f5b5870> {
backgroundImage = "<null>";
canUninstall = 1;
featured = "<null>";
footerText = "<null>";
image = "<null>";
install = 1;
memberId = "57ecaf85-4433-4dc8-922b-dc0b709b065b";
name = mainPage;
nextPageAppId = "<null>";
nextPageAppVersionId = "<null>";
nextPageCommand = "<STNextPageCommand: 0x13f374c00> {\n install = 1;\n memberId = \"\";\n memberSource = 0;\n objectID = \"<null>\";\n page = \"\";\n smartAppVersionId = \"\";\n}";
nextPageName = "<null>";
objectID = "<null>";
pageDescription = "<null>";
params = "<null>";
popToAncestor = "<null>";
refreshInterval = "-1";
sections = (
styleType = 0;
title = "<null>";
uninstallText = "<null>";
Trying to add a rule in RuleMachine I get:
PGSmartAppInstallationManager page:element:child:](184) ERROR Element didn't have a installedAppId or appId/appVersionId
Element Name: childRules
Page: <STPage: 0x13f4832f0> {
backgroundImage = "<null>";
canUninstall = 0;
featured = "<null>";
footerText = "<null>";
image = "<null>";
install = 1;
memberId = "ac55f822-d1f5-4307-a178-3fca0488b2ef";
name = mainPage;
nextPageAppId = "<null>";
nextPageAppVersionId = "<null>";
nextPageCommand = "<STNextPageCommand: 0x13f797170> {\n install = 1;\n memberId = \"\";\n memberSource = 0;\n objectID = \"<null>\";\n page = \"\";\n smartAppVersionId = \"\";\n}";
nextPageName = "<null>";
objectID = "<null>";
pageDescription = "<null>";
params = "<null>";
popToAncestor = "<null>";
refreshInterval = "-1";
sections = (
styleType = 0;
title = "Installed Rules, Triggers and Actions [26]";
uninstallText = "<null>";
I don’t know where the installedAppId is supposed to come from - is this DB corruption or a new required property that was added recently and not documented?
Just describe the problem and note that it is not limited to Android/iOS or a particular Smartapp. It might also be helpful to reference the other thread (in the OP of this thread) in case it’s a different person in support receiving your service request.
Where did you get these messages from?
Hooked up my phone to my computer, opened Xcode, opened the “Devices” window, and then used the console output in that window:
Awesome. Very smart…
PM me if you need output form that and don’t have access to do it yourself - I just didn’t want to post the full information about all of my setup details here (the TRUNCATED part)
No problem. I passed it along to ST through back channel. They are fully aware of this problem, able to reproduce it, and the rest is just a waiting game.
One would hope that they just run the app in the debugger and get that - and more - information directly.
But then, I am not so sure about their mobile team - they claimed that they submitted in update to Apple for the broken multiTile almost two weeks ago and nothing is available. My last app update took less than 24h between submission and AppStore availability…
Let’s open some Support tickets
Support request #202614: Cannot create new Child apps on Android ST App
Oh I hope this doesn’t land on the same desk as the V2 convconversion tool…
Ever the optimist !!
It’s official:
Thank-you for this incredible debugging info, Andreas!
You may have actually saved SmartThings a lot of research effort; and/or given us clues to possible workarounds.
I was actually a little disappointed - I wanted to see the exception when the app crashes (as people had reported that the app force closed on them) but it didn’t crash - maybe that is an Android version only “feature”
After looking through the app’s binary the other day (to figure out its URL scheme) I am not really surprised that all the debug logging is still present - the app still contains lots of assets from internal and testing builds that are completely unused…
Oh… so that’s why it is so…
I’ve posted an alert on SmartTiles webpage:
###Also posted on Twitter:
(but have not updated Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Grindr, Tinder, MySpace, Slack, Craiglist, Associated Press Newswire, Reuters, etc…).
It also opens up a few interesting possibilities (taken the guesswork out of things to a certain extent) - I was able to add the “Contact Book” to my account that was not there before (admittedly, this needed an additional tool but apparently there is no data integrity verification on the app, making a MITM exploit easy…)