It depends what you assign in 101 Group 1 Sensors (I have assigned illuminance) and I’ve set 111 as 60 so illuminance updates every 60s.
Yes, if these sensors are newly added, they seem to be added with Wake Up Interval Set CC set to 3600.
I got it fixed by changing Wake Up Interval to 240 using this driver:
In addition, I changed parameter 111 to 240 (4minutes).
This is from multisensor 6 manual, so this seems to be intended behaviour (but before edge drivers these devices were definately added with wake up interval Set CC 240):
If battery power, the minimum interval time is 60 minutes by default, for
example, if the value is set to be more than 5 and less than 3600, the
interval time is 60 minutes, if the value is set to be more than 3600 and less
than 7200, the interval time is 120 minutes. You can also change the
minimum interval time to 4 minutes via setting the interval value(3 bytes) to
240 in Wake Up Interval Set CC.
I feel bad asking, but did the old Aeotec Garage Door Controller Gen 5 make it onto the project list. Would love to have this working again.
Regards, Atomic Snail
Yes it works perfectly, it’s using a SmartThings driver, it was automatically switched during the transition.
@sulisenator, I have issues with the Aeotec Z-Wave Garage Door Controller since migration to Edge drivers. How did you manage to get it working?
It simply got transferred to an Edge driver during the transition.
My Aeotec Garage Opener is also using SmartThings provided Edge driver which only open function works in new Smarththings IDE portal. Close function and tilt sensor reporting not working. If I switch the driver to SmartThings virtual switch both open and close function for controller but not tilt sensor status. It appears you may using a different driver. My current edge driver version is 2023-09-12T18:12:07.040398766
2023-09-05T18:47:27 for me.
SMartThings Drivers (beta) channel
How did you get the device to stay on Smartthings beta drivers?
Hi @PaulNZ ,
Sorry for the delay. I do have this on my To Do list and am working on scrounging up some free time to dive in, assuming this is still needed?
Hi @CommanderQ ,
Using Mariano’s zwave Garage Door Opener MC driver at the moment. I think it was updated at some point as I didn’t have any luck with it yhe last time I tried. Would have been maybe a year ago.
Only issue currently is that as its generic, it doesn’t expose any settings and also had issues trying to use the state of the open/close sensor in other automations.
So yeah, a specific driver would be great with the AU/NZ fingerprint included.
Happy New Year Mike.
Best regards, Paul in NZ