[OBSOLETE] ADT Tools 2 for Smartthings ADT alarm sytsems

This has worked well for me…

Once the ADT smartthings panel is added to the location some Smartapps are hidden and SHM is one of them. Unfortunately the only way I know of now to get it added is to scratch your entire setup and in the process of rebuilding install SHM to your Smartthings location before adding the ADT Smartthings Panel.

What are you trying to do and maybe I have a alternative option for you. Allot of what SHM does is possible in ADT Tools already. The only thing I know doesn’t work is the ability for external systems(Actiontiles) to see the alarm state and the exit delay function for non ADT Sensors. The latter is something I could possibly fix.

Maverick, from reading the posts I thought I needed SHM. But it looks like I don’t it. The problem I am having now is the ADT 2 tools didn’t create the virtual buttons. I followed your procedures:

You want ADT Tools 2 to create it’s virtual buttons**

This will only be needed if you either don’t have virtual buttons already created or if you simply what ADT Tools to create them. This is optional.

Because the buttons will be used by the mode change component they will need to be created first.

  1. Open the ADT Tools 2 Smartapp.

  2. Select the “Optional Setup Steps” section.

  3. Select the switch on the right to tell ADT Tools to turn on the button creation.

  4. Click on the option to return to the ADT Tools Main Menu.

  5. Click on Save.

  6. Open the Smart app and follow steps 2-5 again, but turn the switch off for button creation.

  7. You now should have 3 new buttons created under your devices.

ADT Tools is now installed, and you should have virtual buttons created by ADT Tools.

But it did not create the buttons. I tried it again and got “unexpected error” when trying to save with button toggled on. I then tried your old method under ADT tools to create the button on the IDE website. It created just fine but for some reason keeps toggle back off on its own. I have the “maintain sych between alarm panel off (I also tried it with it on). This is what I get in the event log:

Date Source Type Name Value User Displayed Text
[2019-09-05 7:35:22.045 PM HST
moments ago ] momentary pushed Alarm On momentary is pushed
[2019-09-05 7:35:22.025 PM HST
moments ago ] DEVICE switch off Alarm On switch is off
[2019-09-05 7:35:21.970 PM HST
moments ago ] DEVICE switch on Alarm On switch is on
[2019-09-05 7:35:21.958 PM HST
moments ago ] APP_COMMAND on ADT Tools 2 sent on command to Alarm On

What is going wrong?


Make sure you downloaded and published the ADT Tools Button device handler. That is likely the reason for it failing to create.

It is installed and published. it wasn’t the first time i tried making the tiles, but the second time i tried it was published. Yet I still got the error.
Thanks in Advance.

These are my DHs:
Namespace/Name GitHub Repository Status Capabilities OAuth Sessions
krlaframboise : Aeotec Doorbell 6 Published Actuator, Alarm, Audio Notification, Health Check, Music Player, Refresh, Speech Synthesis, Switch, Switch Level, Tamper Alert, Tone
krlaframboise : Aeotec Doorbell 6 Button Published Battery, Button, Refresh, Sensor, Switch
Mavrrick : ADT Button Tile Published Actuator, Health Check, Momentary, Sensor, Switch

Can you please use the IDE to generate live logging while you are trying to create the buttons so i can see the error and let me know what occurs with that.

8:35:53 PM: debug Checking Device Thresholds

8:35:39 PM: debug Parse returned ManufacturerSpecificReport(productTypeId: 260, manufacturerId: 134, manufacturerName: AEON Labs, productId: 117)

8:35:05 PM: trace getPhrases(), state.welcomeIssue = null

8:35:03 PM: error physicalgraph.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type ‘ADT Tools Button’ in namespace ‘Mavrrick’ not found. @line 74 (initialize)

8:35:03 PM: debug initialize: Creating virtual button devices ADT Mode Change

8:35:03 PM: debug child app: Security alert action

8:35:03 PM: debug child app: Security alert action

8:35:03 PM: debug there are 2 child smartapps

8:35:03 PM: debug Updated with settings: [phone:(xx) xxx-1492, alarmPowerState:true, messageArmedStay:Alarm Armed Stay, createVirtButton:true, alarmTamperState:true, sendPush:true, myArmAway:Alarm On, messageArmedAway:Alarm Armed Away, armedAwayOn:Alarm On, messageDisarmed:Alarm Disarmed, delay:1, panel:SmartThings ADT Panel, armedStayOn:Alarm On, locAlarmSync:false]

8:34:32 PM: info Waiting on events…

That means there is a problem with the device handler. Please make sure it is loaded properly. and published.

It looks like you got the old button device handler from my general purpose repo instead of the ADT Tools 2 repo. The routine for the button creation needs you to get all of the code from the ADT Tools 2 repo.

Thanks got the Siren 6 to trigger off an alarm event and turn off when alarm is disarmed.

Follow on question. I would like to have a siren 6 beep when the ADT smart-thing HUB is counting down for the delayed entry or exit. I don’t want the Hub to sound off because a burglar can follow the sound after entering and destroy the hub before it goes off and defeat the system (I do not have monitoring service). Is this possible to setup?


That is not something ADT Tools will control. ADT Tools doesn’t change anything on the ADT Pannel itself, but just effects how it interacts with Smartthings. I would suggest you check the ADT Smartthings panel settings themselves to see if there is a way to mute the count down tones though. I would suggest a quick search to find the toolbox code and see if that tune can be turned off from their. I suspect it can be.

Thanks I just disconnect the speaker (there is a quick disconnection on it). I guess I will just hard wire it to a different location.

I installed ADT Tools 2 and button handles so I could control modes with action tiles.

However, I have noticed two things. My smartthings app (modern, not classic) does not report or change device state anymore. Also, I no longer get push or text notifications when it goes off.

Could any of this be related to the ADT Tools 2 install,?

There was a change to sms text a little while back were Smartthings was requiring you to opt in.

I am still working fine. Could you please open live logging while generating the problem and send me the logging for the app.

Hey there. I’m relatively new to SmartThings and I’m learning my way around. I’m hoping for a little guidance. I have the ADT Smarthings Panel. Prior to installing the panel I had SHM set up and running. I’m using ADT motion but only have one working ADT door/ window. My remaining doors have ST Mulipurpose. I’m using ADT Tools 2 to Monitor my non-ADT sensors. Here’s my problem. One night I had the alarm armed “stay”and opened a door with the Multipurpose Sensor. When this occurs, I flash lights and send instant messages. (I didn’t realize at the time that the siren does not go off. That’s beside the point and I plan to address with a wireless siren. )

Ever since the occurrence, I keep getting reminders from the Classic App several times a day.

I looked every where even in the IDE trying to clear them. I messaged Samsung Support and the agent kept telling me to go into SHM and acknowledging. They couldn’t understand that once ADT is installed, SHM vanishes from the App. I fear if I delete the SHM App, I’ll break ADT Tools. I really don’t want to factory reset and start over. I did that once already and it’s painful.

Any help would be appreciated

And just like that POOF… SHM showed up in my App today and allowed me to dismiss. I didn’t see any follow ups from support. If they did something, thank you!

@Mavrrick58 First thanks for such a great tool. I am using ADT and Non-ADT sensors with external alarms. Would it be possible to add a delay to sounding the alarm when specific sensors are activated. My wife and I normally turn off teh alarm from our cell phones, but if we need to turn it off by going in to the house the external sirens will be triggered as we go to the Smartthings ADT hub to turn off the Alarm. It would be great if either we could trigger the sirens when the ADT hub goes into an Alarm state or delay the external sirens tio give us time to turn off the alarm on the hub.

Is there a way I can trigger the alarm via an automation? Trying to get HASS.IO to be able to set off the alarm if a non adt sensor opens (ex: pantry).

It isn’t exactly impossible, but i also can’t guarantee that it would work as expected. There are some interesting limitations with time values below 1 min with smartthings. Also it should be noted that timing is largely a best effort and not assured with smartapps in the cloud. On top of that, the functionality that is used for the non ADT Sensors was never ment to exactly replace or fully duplicate official sensors based on limitations on the above functionality.

So lets make sure you are using ADT Tools in the best way possible. First question is are you using all ADT/Smartthings dual branded Sensors or are you trying to use non adt sensors as well. If you are using all ADT/Smartthings Dual branded sensors, make sure your alert action app is setup to use them as Dualbranded sensors. Regular sensors will always trigger instantly. There is functionality for a exit delay, but not for a entry delay. So genreally I have suggested only using non adt sensors in places that wouldn’t trigger on entry.

So after that long winded explanation i will see if i can find a way to do it. No ETA though.

Why not just use the function in ADT Tools to trigger external sirens when a non ADT Sensor is activated based on alarm state. Why do you need HASS.IO involved at all? If it is because you want to trigger the internal alarm and monitoring unfortunately that isn’t possible. The only commands that Smartthings can send to the ADT Side is to arm or disarm the alarm. Everything in ADT tools is about responding to changes in state of the ADT side.

@Mavrrick58 Yes, I was trying to use non-ADT sensors as well. I will try only using ADT sensors on our entry and all will only use the non-entry sensors in other places and see how that works. Thanks for the advice and look forard to seeing if you can a find out a way to add delay to the non-ADT sensors. Thanks!

The best way to do this would be to create seperate alert action apps between dual branded and standard sensors. That way you can get the extra functionality that they get provided by the Alarm system side of the system. That has standard entry/exit delays.