[OBSOLETE] Virtual Device Sync - Create Virtual Devices and Keep Them In Sync With a Physical Device

Hi @erocm1231 thanks for your hard work because it’s a life saver! I think I’m still on the older version of this with my in-wall relays and need to upgrade to the newer logic but that’s a tangent…

Question: I am posting my device so you can have a look. It has TWO switches but they are not separate devices in ST. So obviously the primary switch works great and easy to automate. However, folks are using my device handler to control 2 garage doors and automating the SECOND switch with CoRE is not so easy. Basically it’s a custom attribute not titled “switch” but you can easily see in the code if you wish. My question is how can I create a virtual switch that can not only subscribe to some attribute of another device handler and obviously be able to switch it on/off, fully sinc’d.

I wish there was some ability not only to subscribe to the a capability but any custom/manual attribute that I designate — if any of that makes sense.

Thanks for your time!!!