[OBSOLETE] Universal Virtual Device Type and Translator

	Universal virtual DTH
  	Copyright 2016 Mike Maxwell

        Modded by Scott Barton to add Smoke, Water, Sound
        Lines between the //SB and //END SB are the lines I added/modified
    1.0.5.  2016-08-29  added sensor and actuator capabilities per Alex
    1.0.4	2016-05-21	added LUX capability
    1.0.3	2016-05-18	added optional auto off
    1.0.2	2016-05-15	ignore duplicate input requests
    					added version info

	This software if free for Private Use. You may use and modify the software without distributing it.
	This software and derivatives may not be used for commercial purposes.
	You may not distribute or sublicense this software.
	You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties not included in the license.

	Software is provided without warranty and the software author/license owner cannot be held liable for damages.        


metadata {
	definition (name: "UVDT", namespace: "Scott_Barton", author: "scott barton") {
	    capability "Sensor"
	    capability "Actuator"
	    capability "Switch"					//on, off
        capability "Lock"					//lock, unlock
        capability "Contact Sensor"			//"open","closed"
        capability "Motion Sensor"			//"active", "inactive"
        capability "Presence Sensor"		//"present", "not present"
        capability "Acceleration Sensor"	//"active", "inactive"
        capability "Illuminance Measurement"

        capability "Smoke Detector"    //"detected", "clear", "tested"
        capability "Water Sensor"      //"dry", "wet"
        capability "Sound Sensor"      //"detected", "not detected"
    //END SB
        capability "Door Control"			//listen for "open", "close" respond with "open" "closed"
        capability "Garage Door Control"	//listen for "open", "close" respond with "open" "closed"
        command "localOff"
        command "localOn"
        attribute "version", "string"
    preferences {
    	def s1
        def s2
        def d
        //paragraph input
            title			: "UVDT version: ${getVersion()}"
            ,description	: null
            ,type			: "paragraph"
        	title			: "Device inputs\nRespond to these events/commands." 
            ,description	: null
            ,type			: "icon"
            ,required		: false
            ,defaultValue	: "st.illuminance.illuminance.dark"
        	name			: "inSwitchOn"
            ,title			: "Switch (on, off)"
           	,type			: "bool"
            ,defaultValue	: true
        	name			: "inDoorOn"
            ,title			: "Door Control (open, close)"
           	,type			: "bool"
            ,defaultValue	: false
        	name			: "inGDoorOn"
            ,title			: "Garge Door Control (open, close)"
           	,type			: "bool"
            ,defaultValue	: false
        	name			: "inLockOn"
            ,title			: "Lock (lock, unlock)"
           	,type			: "bool"
            ,defaultValue	: false
        	name			: "autoOff"
            ,title			: "Delayed device turn off (optional)"
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,required		: false
            ,options		: [["5":"5 seconds"],["30":"30 seconds"],["60":"1 Minute"],["300":"5 Minutes"]]
           	title			: "Device outputs\nSend the events listed below."
            ,description	: null
           	,type			: "icon"
            ,required		: false
            ,defaultValue	: "st.illuminance.illuminance.dark"
        d = "Contact"
        s1 = "open"
        s2 = "closed"
        	name			: "contactOn"
           	,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
           	,type			: "enum"
           	,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
           	,description	: contactOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."

	d = "Motion"
        s1 = "active"
        s2 = "inactive"
        	name			: "motionOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: motionOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."            

        d = "Smoke"
        s1 = "detected"
        s2 = "clear"
        	name			: "smokeOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: smokeOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."            
        d = "Water"
        s1 = "wet"
        s2 = "dry"
        	name			: "waterOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: waterOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."            
        d = "Sound"
        s1 = "detected"
        s2 = "not detected"
        	name			: "soundOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: soundOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."            
    //END SB

        d = "Presence"
        s1 = "present"
        s2 = "not present"
        	name			: "presenceOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
          	,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: presenceOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..." 
        d = "Door"
        s1 = "open"
        s2 = "closed"
        	name			: "doorOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
            ,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: doorOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..." 
        d = "Acceleration"
        s1 = "active"
        s2 = "inactive"
        	name			: "accelOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
          	,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: accelOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."  
        d = "Illuminance"
        s1 = "0 Lux"
        s2 = "50 Lux"
        	name			: "luxOn"
            ,title			: buildTitle(d,s1,s2)
            ,type			: "enum"
          	,options		: buildOptions(d,s1,s2)
            ,description	: accelOn ?: "Not Used, Tap to enable..."  
  	simulator {

	// tile definitions
	tiles (scale:1) {
    	multiAttributeTile(name:"switch", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 2, canChangeIcon: true){
			tileAttribute ("device.UVDT", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
				attributeState "on", label: '${name}', action: "localOff", icon: "st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor: "#53a7c0"
				attributeState "off", label: '${name}', action: "localOn", icon: "st.switches.switch.off", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
		standardTile("contact", "device.contact", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
        	state "default", label:"contact\nnot used" //, backgroundColor: "#ffffff" 
            state "closed", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.contact.contact.closed" 
            state "open", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.contact.contact.open" 
        standardTile("motion", "device.motion", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "motion\nnot used" //, icon:"st.motion.motion.inactive"
            state "inactive", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.motion.motion.inactive" 
            state "active", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.motion.motion.active" 

        standardTile("smoke", "device.smoke", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "smoke\nnot used" //, icon:"st.alarm.smoke.clear"
            state "clear", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.alarm.smoke.clear" 
            state "detected", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#e86d13", icon:"st.alarm.smoke.smoke" 
        standardTile("water", "device.water", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "water\nnot used" //, icon:"st.alarm.water.dry"
            state "dry", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.alarm.water.dry" 
            state "wet", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.alarm.water.wet" 
        standardTile("sound", "device.sound", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "sound\nnot used" //, icon:"st.quirky.spotter.quirky-spotter-sound-off"
            state "not detected", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.quirky.spotter.quirky-spotter-sound-off" 
            state "detected", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.quirky.spotter.quirky-spotter-sound-on" 
    //END SB

           standardTile("present", "device.presence", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "presence\nnot used"
            state "not present", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.presence.tile.presence-default" 
            state "present", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.presence.tile.presence-default" 
        standardTile("door", "device.door", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "door\nnot used" 
            state "closed", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.doors.garage.garage-closed" 
            state "open", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.doors.garage.garage-open" 
        standardTile("accel", "device.acceleration", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "acceleration\nnot used"
            state "inactive", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.motion.acceleration.inactive" 
            state "active", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#53a7c0", icon:"st.motion.acceleration.active" 
        standardTile("lux", "device.lux", inactiveLabel: false, height:2, width:2, canChangeIcon: false) {
            state "default", label: "illuminance\nnot used"
            state "dark", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ffffff", icon:"st.illuminance.illuminance.dark" 
            state "bright", label:'${name}', backgroundColor: "#ecf23a", icon:"st.illuminance.illuminance.bright" 
      //SB - Added "smoke","water","sound",

def open(){
	if (inDoorOn || inGDoorOn) localOn()

def close(){
	if (inDoorOn || inGDoorOn) localOff()

def lock(){
	if (inLockOn) localOn()

def unlock(){
	if (inLockOn) localOff()

def on(){
	if (inSwitchOn) localOn()

def off(){
	if (inSwitchOn) localOff()

def buildTitle(d,s1,s2){
	return "${d} (${s1}, ${s2})"

def buildOptions(d,s1,s2){
	def sOn = "on"
    def sOff = "off"
	def options = []
    options.add(["1":"when ${sOn} set ${d} to '${s1}'\nwhen ${sOff} set ${d} to '${s2}'"])
    options.add(["0":"when ${sOn} set ${d} to '${s2}'\nwhen ${sOff} set ${d} to '${s1}'"])
	return options

def syncDevices(cmd){
	if (cmd == null) cmd = device.currentValue("UVDT") == "on" ? "1" : "0"
    //log.debug "cmd: ${cmd}"
	if (contactOn != null){
		if (contactOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")			//"when on send 'open'\nwhen off send 'closed'"
        else sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")						//"when on send 'closed'\nwhen off send 'open'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "contact", value: null, displayed	: false)
	if (motionOn != null){
		if (motionOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")			//"when on send 'active'\nwhen off send 'inactive'"
        else sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive")						//"when on send 'inactive'\nwhen off send 'active'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "motion", value: null, displayed	: false)

       if (smokeOn != null){
		if (smokeOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "smoke", value: "detected")			//"when on send 'detected'\nwhen off send 'clear'"
        else sendEvent(name: "smoke", value: "clear")						//"when on send 'clear'\nwhen off send 'detected'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "smoke", value: null, displayed	: false)
    if (waterOn != null){
		if (waterOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "water", value: "wet")			//"when on send 'wet'\nwhen off send 'dry'"
        else sendEvent(name: "water", value: "dry")						//"when on send 'dry'\nwhen off send 'wet'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "water", value: null, displayed	: false)
     if (soundOn != null){
		if (soundOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "sound", value: "detected")			//"when on send 'detected'\nwhen off send 'not detected'"
        else sendEvent(name: "sound", value: "not detected")						//"when on send 'not detected'\nwhen off send 'detected'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "sound", value: null, displayed	: false) 
     //END SB

	if (presenceOn != null){
		if (presenceOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "present")		//"when on send 'present'\nwhen off send 'not present'"
        else sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present")					//"when on send 'not present'\nwhen off send 'present'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "presence", value: null, displayed	: false)
	if (doorOn != null){
		if (doorOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "door", value: "open")			//"when on send 'active'\nwhen off send 'inactive'"
        else sendEvent(name: "door", value: "closed")						//"when on send 'inactive'\nwhen off send 'active'"
    } else sendEvent(name: "door", value: null, displayed	: false)
	if (accelOn != null){
		if (accelOn == cmd) sendEvent(name: "acceleration", value: "active")
        else sendEvent(name: "acceleration", value: "inactive")				
    } else sendEvent(name: "acceleration", value: null, displayed	: false)
    if (luxOn != null){
    	if (luxOn == cmd){
        	sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: 50)
        	sendEvent(name: "lux", value: "bright", displayed	: false)
        } else {
        	sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: 0)
            sendEvent(name: "lux", value: "dark", displayed	: false)
    } else {
    	sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: null, displayed	: false)
        sendEvent(name: "lux", value: null, displayed	: false)

def localOn() {
	if (device.currentValue("UVDT") != "on"){
    	log.info "on request: OK"
		sendEvent(name: "UVDT", value: "on" ,displayed: false)
        if (autoOff) runIn(autoOff.toInteger(),localOff)
    } else {
    	log.info "on request: duplicate, ignored"

def localOff() {
	if (device.currentValue("UVDT") != "off"){
    	log.info "off request: OK"
		sendEvent(name: "UVDT", value: "off" ,displayed: false)
    } else {
    	log.info "off request: duplicate, ignored"

def getVersion(){
	return "1.0.69"

//capture preference changes
def updated() {
	sendEvent( name: "version", value: getVersion(), displayed: false)
    //log.debug "syncDevices"

def configure() {

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