[OBSOLETE] Tado (Connect)

I followed the install instructions, authorized Tado (Connect) to my Tado account and I can see my Tado thermostat and TRV under Things in the ST classic app, but I can’t control either thermostat when I clock on those Things. I can see the buttons and current temperature, but none of the buttons work. ANy ideas what I could try to make it work please?

Hello, I have been using Tado connect for quite a while. Many thanks to make this available to us ! I have one question. I am trying to use the “values” of my Tado in Webcore with Echo Speaks. So the device name in my case is [Heating] When I enter this I get all “attributes” shown such as temperature1 which holds my current temperature. However the combo [Heating:temperature1] is not accepted by Webcore ? Any idea ? Thank You !

Planning on buying a tado v3 thermostat. Is this app still working well? If I can’t connect tado to Smartthings, I will not but it.

it works with SmartThings classic only. i don’t support this personally any more as it reached a level of maturity and then SmartThings pulled out the rug from underneath with new platform. but i can tell you that i use what is essentially the same code but converted to c# with a number of improvements in my Homeseer Tado Plugin. but it does indeed work with v3 devices.

hi there, i have installed the 3 device handlers, and the smartapp which connects and i can select my thermostats (which are tado v3+ radiator thermostats)

however, no devices but the “presense” devices show up in the classic app?

Hi Rico @M-TOWN
Wie hast Du die Verbindung von tado in die ST App realisiert? Ich finde den Weg nicht, kannst Du mir einen Tipp geben?
Hatte sich Deine dashboard Frage anderweitig gelöst, das würde mich im Anschluss nämlich auch interessieren.

Danke vorab,

Hallo @Familie_GroWor
Ehm ist jetzt etwas schwer zu erklären. Ihr müsste es über die Custom Device Handler machen. Ich könnte euch aber auch in unsere Whatsapp Gruppe einladen?!

Ja es gab ja einige updates seitdem wieder und jetzt wird auf dem Dashboard der Sollwert angezeigt.

Did you ever manage to get this working?

I previously had Tado Connect working about 3 years ago when I first setup Smartthings, however this seemed to stop working so I removed the SmartApp and tried to re-install it but when I try to I get the same “An unexpected error occurred” right at the final bit of setting up Tado Connect.

Again I am a UK user, I have a V2 Hub and obviously I am logging into Tado as I can see all my different thermostats and such when setting up Tado Connect I just cant get the final page to accept the heating / cooling temps and default return mode.

Does anyone have any ideas?


This is a picture of the error I get which is the same as other have mentioned:

Is it possible to get value for outside temeprature in WebCore?

Thanx for this great work you are doing :slight_smile:

I have been following you’re installation guide to the point (at least I think I did)

The Smart App show up in my Smartthings App (both old and new) but the Thermostats doest show up in “My Home” and don’t show up when trying to add new things ??

I have followed the steps with login in, choosing thermostats, rooms etc., Any idea on what I might have done wrong ??

Best regards Anders

Hello all,

Tado Connect works great!

Except for one parameter, ‘thermostatOperatingstate’.
In my case, this setting always remains as ‘heating’ even when there is no request for heating, so when the value should be ‘idle’.

It has no influence on the general operation, but I want to use this parameter in Webcore to trigger a relay.
It works now by comparing the setpoint temperature with the measured temperature but it would be easier and cleaner by checking wheter or not the thermostat sends a heating request or not (idle).

Many thanks in advance for your support and tips.

Is there a way to add only the heating option? I only have radiator thermostats, so the colling and fan options are not relevant for me.

there are multiple device handlers, so if you are using the thermostat handler rather than the AC handler, there will only be heating and no cooling etc…

So I can actually just delete the Tado Cooling Thermostat and Tado Hot Water Control device handlers. Will the SmartApp still work and will the related components then disappear from the SmartApp?

Hi, I am new to ST and currently looking to see how I can add Tado to ST. Is there a installation guide on how to do this?

Many thanks

Hi guys,

Do any of you know if it’s possible to set the mode to away through webcore?

I have the same requirement and the similar issue , if there is a solution to this let me know I am running the V2.7 app from FuzzyLogic , I want to centre everything around Smarthings HUB and its routines. It will be great to have a solution here.

see the readme in the following link https://github.com/fuzzysb/Tado

can’t really help any of you guys any more i am afraid as i do not have smartthings anymore, TBH i am suprised with the large number of changes being made to the platform and the fracturing of classic and new that this even works at all still.

I would love it if someone else wants to pick up the reigns of this project, if they do i can make them contributer to the project in github to further improve the software going forward.

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	if (resp.data.setting.power == "ON"){
		childDevice?.sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: "heat")
		childDevice?.sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: "heating")
	} else if(resp.data.setting.power == "OFF"){
		childDevice?.sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: "off")
		childDevice?.sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: "idle")

(Some lines removed for clarity)

Are you perhaps able to see what data comes back for the setting/power value from the Tado API? I would guess that Tado indicates whether the thermostat is on or not, which perhaps is not the same thing as whether it is calling for heat??