[DEPRECATED] ST_Anything - Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32

EDIT: not sure if I should have added to this post as a reply or create a new topic. I just added this new topic incase that is the correct forum protocol.


1) Give a description of the problem
Hi All,

I am using a NodeMCU 12E to automate opening and closing of a pet door. The following hardware list and diagram below will provide an idea what is being done.
2 SPST switches for manual operation (open/close) of the door.
2 SPST switches for automatic motor shutoff at limit of open & close.
1 SPST Relay 3V coil for switching 12v motor power supply.
2 DPDT Relays 3V coil for reversing polarity on motor for open and close direction.

I got the arduino sketch operating properly on the Node MCU, without ST_Anything first, and response to manually activating switches is as expected and nearly instantaneous as monitored in Arduino IDE serial monitor and via LED activation. Boolean logic for activating motor below (will need some modifications, but fine for testing):

if (digitalRead(closeLimitPin) == HIGH || digitalRead(openLimitPin)==HIGH) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.
else if (digitalRead(closeButtonPin) == HIGH || digitalRead(remoteControl) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
digitalWrite(motorDirPin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for CLOSE Direction.
else if (digitalRead(openButtonPin) == HIGH) || digitalRead(PIN_remoteControl) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
digitalWrite(motorDirPin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for OPEN direction.
else {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.

I added ST_Anything with 4 contact sensors and one switch defined. The contact sensors are for monitoring status of the physical switches and the virtual switch is for activating a Digital Output pin (Using D0-onboard LED pin) which is used in the boolean logic for remotely opening and closing the door.
Successfully recognized my ST_Anything Parent and 5 Child devices in Smartthings Classic App.
I have two problems:
A) when I attempt to toggle the switch from the app I just get a “TurningOn” message indefinitely and no messages in the serial monitor.
B) response times to physical interactions (switch activations) is delayed 1-30 seconds (sometimes longer) as evidenced both in the serial monitor and direct observation of test LEDs.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
A) Toggling switch device in Smartthings App will toggle HIGH/LOW value of NodeMCU pin.
B) no delay in response to activation of switches.

3) What is happening/not happening?
I have two problems:
A) when I attempt to toggle the switch from the app I just get a “TurningOn” message indefinately.
B) response times to physical interactions (switch activations) is delayed 1-30 seconds as evidenced both in the serial monitor and direct observation of test LEDs.

4) Wiring Diagram