[DEPRECATED] ST_Anything - Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32

Ok so here is a youtube video. Cant really give you a wiring diagram. Also the button board inside the keurig is 3v3. https://youtu.be/t3OI08AXrq0.

also i did the aurdino esp32 setup… but unsure if should change board choice. i got this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DBNHJW2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and it says there to use node32 and i used wifi scan example sketch to verify it could find my wifi which it can… im sorry im such a noob.

Some of the delays may not be neccesary since i can name each function as a different thing right? So rather than activating 1 thing (the uno i had with smart light) ill be using esp to call the power button a thing the lid switch a thing and the brew button a thing…

Some of the delays may not be neccesary since i can name each function as a different thing right? So rather than activating 1 thing (the uno i had with smart light) ill be using esp to call the power button a thing the lid switch a thing and the brew button a thing… or we could do it your way because i know nothing lol.

EDIT: not sure if I should have added to this post as a reply or create a new topic. I just added this new topic incase that is the correct forum protocol.


1) Give a description of the problem
Hi All,

I am using a NodeMCU 12E to automate opening and closing of a pet door. The following hardware list and diagram below will provide an idea what is being done.
2 SPST switches for manual operation (open/close) of the door.
2 SPST switches for automatic motor shutoff at limit of open & close.
1 SPST Relay 3V coil for switching 12v motor power supply.
2 DPDT Relays 3V coil for reversing polarity on motor for open and close direction.

I got the arduino sketch operating properly on the Node MCU, without ST_Anything first, and response to manually activating switches is as expected and nearly instantaneous as monitored in Arduino IDE serial monitor and via LED activation. Boolean logic for activating motor below (will need some modifications, but fine for testing):

if (digitalRead(closeLimitPin) == HIGH || digitalRead(openLimitPin)==HIGH) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.
else if (digitalRead(closeButtonPin) == HIGH || digitalRead(remoteControl) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
digitalWrite(motorDirPin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for CLOSE Direction.
else if (digitalRead(openButtonPin) == HIGH) || digitalRead(PIN_remoteControl) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
digitalWrite(motorDirPin, HIGH); // Set pin to 1V for OPEN direction.
else {
digitalWrite(motorStatePin, LOW); // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.

I added ST_Anything with 4 contact sensors and one switch defined. The contact sensors are for monitoring status of the physical switches and the virtual switch is for activating a Digital Output pin (Using D0-onboard LED pin) which is used in the boolean logic for remotely opening and closing the door.
Successfully recognized my ST_Anything Parent and 5 Child devices in Smartthings Classic App.
I have two problems:
A) when I attempt to toggle the switch from the app I just get a “TurningOn” message indefinitely and no messages in the serial monitor.
B) response times to physical interactions (switch activations) is delayed 1-30 seconds (sometimes longer) as evidenced both in the serial monitor and direct observation of test LEDs.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
A) Toggling switch device in Smartthings App will toggle HIGH/LOW value of NodeMCU pin.
B) no delay in response to activation of switches.

3) What is happening/not happening?
I have two problems:
A) when I attempt to toggle the switch from the app I just get a “TurningOn” message indefinately.
B) response times to physical interactions (switch activations) is delayed 1-30 seconds as evidenced both in the serial monitor and direct observation of test LEDs.

4) Wiring Diagram

Welcome to the community. The first thing I’ll need to see is a copy of your sketch. You can either post it here (be sure to use the Preformatted Text ‘</>’ menu option on the sketch after pasting it into this forum software) or you can Private Message me if you’d like.

Have you tried using one of the existing ST_Anything example sketches for the ESP8266 to make sure you have everything set up correctly on both the ST side and your home network side of things?

Operating a ST_Anything Switch device should be nearly instantaneous. You should see the data appear in the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor window almost as fast as you can change it in the ST Classic App on your phone. If that is not happening using my example sketch, then you may have something going on with your network.

Since you’re trying to use a custom sketch, I cannot help troubleshoot it without seeing the code. Any type of blocking call in your sketch can result in delays of processing network traffic between the ESP8266 and the ST Hub. Perhaps this would explain what is happening?

Thanks for the reply @ogiewon and thank you VERY much for the ST_Anything integration. I am pasting the sketch below (hope it works).

  Cat Door 

  Opens and closes automated door using Node MCU 12E.
  2 SPST switches for manual operation of the door.
  2 SPST switches for automatic motor shutoff at limit of open & close.
  1 SPST Relay 3V coil for switching 12v motor power supply.
  2 DPDT Relay 3V coil for reversing polarity on motor for open and close direction.

// SmartThings Library for ESP8266WiFi
#include <SmartThingsESP8266WiFi.h>

// ST_Anything Library 
#include <Constants.h>       //Constants.h is designed to be modified by the end user to adjust behavior of the ST_Anything library
#include <Device.h>          //Generic Device Class, inherited by Sensor and Executor classes
#include <Sensor.h>          //Generic Sensor Class, typically provides data to ST Cloud (e.g. Temperature, Motion, etc...)
#include <Executor.h>        //Generic Executor Class, typically receives data from ST Cloud (e.g. Switch)
#include <InterruptSensor.h> //Generic Interrupt "Sensor" Class, waits for change of state on digital input 
#include <PollingSensor.h>   //Generic Polling "Sensor" Class, polls Arduino pins periodically
#include <Everything.h>      //Master Brain of ST_Anything library that ties everything together and performs ST Shield communications

//#include <PS_Illuminance.h>  //Implements a Polling Sensor (PS) to measure light levels via a photo resistor

#include <IS_Button.h>       //Implements an Interrupt Sensor (IS) to monitor the status of a digital input pin for button presses
#include <S_TimedRelay.h>    //Implements a Sensor to control a digital output pin with timing capabilities

#include <PS_TemperatureHumidity.h>  //Implements a Polling Sensor (PS) to measure Temperature and Humidity via DHT library. 
//#include <PS_Water.h>        //Implements a Polling Sensor (PS) to measure presence of water (i.e. leak detector)
//#include <IS_Motion.h>       //Implements an Interrupt Sensor (IS) to detect motion via a PIR sensor
#include <IS_Contact.h>      //Implements an Interrupt Sensor (IS) to monitor the status of a digital input pin
#include <EX_Switch.h>       //Implements an Executor (EX) via a digital output to a relay
//#include <EX_Alarm.h>        //Implements Executor (EX)as an Alarm Siren capability via a digital output to a relay

  int i = 0;

//NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e Pin Definitions (makes it much easier as these match the board markings)
  #define LED_BUILTIN 16
  #define BUILTIN_LED 16

  #define D0 16  //no internal pullup resistor
  #define D1  5
  #define D2  4
  #define D3  0  //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
  #define D4  2  //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
  #define D5 14
  #define D6 12
  #define D7 13
  #define D8 15  //must not be pulled high during power on/reset

//Define which ESP8266 12E/NodeMCU 12E pins will be used for each device

  #define PIN_openSwitch D7            // MCU D7 – Manual open switch
  #define PIN_openLimitSwitch D2       // MCU D2 – Stop power when door open
  #define PIN_closeSwitch D6           // MCU D6 – Manual close switch
  #define PIN_closeLimitSwitch D1      // MCU D1 – Stop power when door closed
  #define PIN_motorState D8            // MCU D8 – Power on/off    1=on, 0=off
  #define PIN_motorDir D5              // MCU D5 – Motor Direction  1=Open (NO), 0=Close (NC)
  #define PIN_remoteControl D0         // MCU D0 – Web Based control  1=Open, 0=Close

//ESP8266 WiFi Information
String str_ssid     = "xxxxxxxx";           //  <---You must edit this line!
String str_password = "xxxxxxx";           //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress ip(10, 0, 0, 105);                  // Device IP Address       //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress gateway(10, 0, 0, 1);               // Router gateway          //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);           // LAN subnet mask         //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress dnsserver(75, 75, 75, 75);          // DNS server              //  <---You must edit this line!
const unsigned int serverPort = 8090;         // port to run the http server on
IPAddress hubIp(10, 0, 0, 100);               // smartthings hub ip //  <---You must edit this line!
const unsigned int hubPort = 39500;           // smartthings hub port

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() 
//  Serial.begin(9600);

  pinMode(PIN_openSwitch, INPUT);               // initialize digital pins as an INPUT.
  pinMode(PIN_openLimitSwitch, INPUT);                // initialize digital pins as an INPUT.
  pinMode(PIN_closeSwitch, INPUT);              // initialize digital pins as an INPUT.
  pinMode(PIN_closeLimitSwitch, INPUT);               // initialize digital pins as an INPUT.
  pinMode(PIN_motorState, OUTPUT);              // initialize digital pins as an output.
  pinMode(PIN_motorDir, OUTPUT);                // initialize digital pins as an output.
  pinMode(PIN_remoteControl, OUTPUT);              // initialize digital pins as an output. 

  //Declare each Device that is attached to the Arduino
  //  Notes: - For each device, there is typically a corresponding "tile" defined in your 
  //           SmartThings Device Hanlder Groovy code, except when using new COMPOSITE Device Handler
  //         - For details on each device's constructor arguments below, please refer to the 
  //           corresponding header (.h) and program (.cpp) files.
  //         - The name assigned to each device (1st argument below) must match the Groovy
  //           Device Handler names.  (Note: "temphumid" below is the exception to this rule
  //           as the DHT sensors produce both "temperature" and "humidity".  Data from that
  //           particular sensor is sent to the ST Hub in two separate updates, one for 
  //           "temperature" and one for "humidity")
  //         - The new Composite Device Handler is comprised of a Parent DH and various Child
  //           DH's.  The names used below MUST not be changed for the Automatic Creation of
  //           child devices to work properly.  Simply increment the number by +1 for each duplicate
  //           device (e.g. contact1, contact2, contact3, etc...)  You can rename the Child Devices
  //           to match your specific use case in the ST Phone Application.
  //Interrupt Sensors 
    static st::IS_Contact             sensor1(F("contact1"), PIN_openLimitSwitch, HIGH, false, 0);
    static st::IS_Contact             sensor2(F("contact2"), PIN_closeLimitSwitch, HIGH, false, 0);
    static st::IS_Contact             sensor3(F("contact3"), PIN_openSwitch, HIGH, false, 0);
    static st::IS_Contact             sensor4(F("contact4"), PIN_closeSwitch, HIGH, false, 0); 
     static st::EX_Switch executor1(F("switch1"), PIN_remoteControl, LOW); 

  //  Configure debug print output from each main class 
  //  -Note: Set these to "false" if using Hardware Serial on pins 0 & 1
  //         to prevent communication conflicts with the ST Shield communications

  //Initialize the "Everything" Class

  //Initialize the optional local callback routine (safe to comment out if not desired)
//  st::Everything::callOnMsgSend = callback;
  //Create the SmartThings ESP8266WiFi Communications Object
    //STATIC IP Assignment - Recommended
    st::Everything::SmartThing = new st::SmartThingsESP8266WiFi(str_ssid, str_password, ip, gateway, subnet, dnsserver, serverPort, hubIp, hubPort, st::receiveSmartString);
    //DHCP IP Assigment - Must set your router's DHCP server to provice a static IP address for this device's MAC address
    //st::Everything::SmartThing = new st::SmartThingsESP8266WiFi(str_ssid, str_password, serverPort, hubIp, hubPort, st::receiveSmartString);

  //Run the Everything class' init() routine which establishes WiFi communications with SmartThings Hub
  //Add each sensor to the "Everything" Class
  //Add each executor to the "Everything" Class
  //Initialize each of the devices which were added to the Everything Class


// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  //Execute the Everything run method which takes care of "Everything"

//  Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("Close Switch");
//  Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("Open Switch");
//  Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("On/Off");
//  Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("Direction"); Serial.print("\n");

  if (digitalRead(PIN_closeLimitSwitch) == HIGH || digitalRead(PIN_openLimitSwitch)==HIGH)  // This test will need to be separated distributed to next two if statements 
      digitalWrite(PIN_motorState, LOW);   // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.

 else if (digitalRead(PIN_closeSwitch) == HIGH || digitalRead(PIN_remoteControl) == HIGH) 
        digitalWrite(PIN_motorState, HIGH);   // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
        digitalWrite(PIN_motorDir, LOW);      // Set pin to 0V for CLOSE Direction.

  else if (digitalRead(PIN_openSwitch) == HIGH || digitalRead(PIN_remoteControl) == LOW) 
        digitalWrite(PIN_motorState, HIGH);    // Set pin to 1V for motor power on.
        digitalWrite(PIN_motorDir, HIGH);      // Set pin to 1V for OPEN direction.
        digitalWrite(PIN_motorState, LOW);   // Set pin to 0V for motor power OFF.
//  Serial.print(i++);
//  Serial.print("\t\t\t"); Serial.print(digitalRead(PIN_closeSwitch));
//  Serial.print("\t\t\t"); Serial.print(digitalRead(PIN_openSwitch));
//  Serial.print("\t\t");   Serial.print(digitalRead(PIN_motorState));
//  Serial.print("\t\t\t"); Serial.println(digitalRead(PIN_motorDir)); Serial.print("\n");
//  delay(250);                       // wait for a 1/4 second


I am not seeing anything that stands out as being problematic with your sketch. Glad to see that you’re not trying to write to the “PIN_remoteControl” directly within your loop() routine. Also, no blocking calls in your loop(). You are writing to the “PIN_motorState” and “PIN_motorDir” constantly, but that should not cause any issues that I can think of, especially since these pins are not being used by ST_Anything.

You could temporarily comment out everything in the loop() routine except the ‘st::Everything::run();’ statement. Then try operating the Switch device again from the ST Classic App on your phone. Since I assume that the 4 contact sensors and the switch device were automatically created on the ST side, that indicates that the communications from the ESP8266 to the ST Hub is functioning.

Note: If you manually deleted any Child Devices on the ST side, you will need to delete the Parent Device and manually add it again. Deleting child devices causes issues on the ST platform (it used to work, but then something changed.) Try starting with a new, clean Parent device to see if all 5 ST_Anything devices are created automatically. Then test your contact sensors to see if those states update nearly instantly in the ST Classic App. If that works, we know ESP8266 to ST Hub to ST Coud traffic is flowing as expected. Then try changing the state of the switch device via the ST Classic App. You should see the command on the Arduino Serial Monitor window instantly. If not, something is wrong. You could try a full power cycle on your ST hub (remove batteries if a v2 hub) to see if that helps at all.

Hope you figure it out!

Thanks very much for the sanity check Dan. I will try your suggestion to comment out all my custom lines to see how the sketch performs.

I’ll report back if I find anything interesting.

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One more thing… It appears that you removed the callback() function from the sketch. Was that intentional? I believe it is optional, but you might find it useful to execute code based on what is being sent from ST_Anything to SmartThings.

It was not intentional. I am not sure how the callback() function works or what it facilitates. I’ll look at a fresh version of the example I started with and add it back in.

Posted in other thread… ST_Anything slows NodeMCU response times

Reset of hub has corrected delay symptom, but not activation of switch from ST app. There is a slight, but reasonable lag in updating contact sensor state in the app, but no different than my other home contact sensors.

When I attempt to toggle within the ST classic app it just hangs at “turning on”

I did delete the parent & all child devices individually from the app and re-discovered, but that hasn’t helped.

Any more suggestions?

Thanks again,

When you attempt to change the swicth’s state via the ST Classic Mobile App, what do you see in the SmartThings Web IDE Live Logs? How about in the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor Window?

Sorry. I didn’t think to look at the SmartThing Web IDE logs. That immediately showed me the problem. I had fat fingered the IP address in the settings for the parent on the ST Classic Mobile App.

Corrected the IP address and everything is now working as expected. Thanks for all your help and patience with a newbie.

Problem resolutions

  1. Hard reset of the SmartThings hub resolved the delayed processing observed in the NodeMCU serial monitor.

  2. Review of SmartThings Web IDE Live Log revealed misconfiguration of parent device IP address in SmartThings Classic Mobile App preventing communication from app to NodeMCU.

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Excellent! Have fun with your project!

Any news about St_Anything and new Smartthings app? I’m a new user (since December) and not very keen to do anything in old app. I have some ESP32s and temp/hum sensors on my desk but I’d like to start my project in environment that stays around for a while.

I have personally not focused on the new ST App, yet. Until ST publishes some documentation/guideline on how to integrate custom Parent/Child (Composite) Device Handlers, it will be difficult for me and others to make much progress. That being said, I did fire up the new ST App on my phone for the first time in over a year and I was pleasantly surprised to see some sign of life from an ST_Anything Parent and set of Child devices. You may want to give it a try and report back your findings.

I will say that you will still need to perform the initial configuration using the ST Web IDE and possibly the ST Classic App.

Since my home is now running happily on Hubitat, I am not personally motivated/driven to make ST_Anything work with the new ST App. I’ll happily tweak the ST Parent and Child Device Handlers once I know exactly what is needed, but I am not going to brute-force-work-it-out without any documentation.

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Ok, I’ll give it a try when I have some spare time.

I thought you were going to write some code to help me.

Please remind me… It’s been a busy couple of weeks, and I spend most of my time over in the Hubitat Community. Happy to assist if I can…

Smart keurig lol its chill thank you