[Deprecated as of Apr 8, 2018] Smart Home Monitor Exit and Entry Delays (Version1)

How to test Exit delay, assuming no motion sensors create an alarm

  1. In the SHMDelay Profile set entry delay to zero, 0, set exit delay to 30 seconds (save it)
  2. close Porte Principal
  3. Tap Dashboard in phone app
  4. Tap Armed Away
  5. Open Porte Principal–>Alarm should not trigger
  6. Close Porte Principal
  7. Wait “entry delay” seconds
  8. Open Porte Principal–>Alarm should trigger
    No intrusion alert: verify the contact SHM Delay sensor profile info; save it, then save again on main page, retry
    Immediate intrusion: remove Porte Principal from Smarthome if not already.

Should something create an alarm during the Exit Delay

  • Install SHM Delay TrueExit then follow setup instructions
  • Set AlarmState by using SHM Delay TrueExit monitored SmartHome Routine
  • In the SHM Delay Profile: Set ExitDelay to 0