[OBSOLETE] Russound Multi-Zone Controller Integration

I don’t know whether that warning is actually related to the trouble you’re having, but I found this that says that it’s due to a change made in serialport v8. Easiest thing would probably be to install serialport v7 or earlier. Or you can try to modify the code in rnet.js based on the example in that link - the warning is getting thrown at line 401.

Are you seeing any errors pop up on the Pi since it stopped working?

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Kudos my friend!! It worked. I have been looking around for serialport 5.0. I found several older serialport versions HERE and used this command : npm i serialport@7.0.1. My RPi booted without the boot error :

NOTE : So it looks like serialport@8 is the problem. This is what I am currently running…

The original package.json from redloro may not work. You might get install and boot errors with…

All is well for now. Thanks to @philh30 and @Its2loud for your help!

If you are looking for autoboot information, THIS worked for me.

What about adding “Audio Volume” capability?

Sorry just saw this…I must say…i Cannot remember, and i am not really using this integration. I am thinking that if set up as favorite, it may work. I would need to go back and look at everything but at the moment i don’t have a lot of time

I am using the Russound MCA-C5 with 6 speaker zones (Zone 0 - Zone 5). The Russound has 8 speaker zones. Anyone using the last two? How did you set that up with the Config.json/SmartThings apps?

I have monoprice 6 zone working with the android app over the wifi RS232. Can STNP communicate to the AMP via this RS232 connection instead of the USB-RS232?

Has anyone modified the DH to list the currently active source for a particular speaker in the ST IDE? Here is all I get. I would modify it myself, but I don’t know anything about Groovy or writing a DH.

I have thought about trying to paying someone to do it so it will work with the new app. I don’t know the first thing about programming groovy or the new DH language.

I just got this all up and working on a RaspPi 3 B+ (Arm71), using Node 10. Serial Port was /dev/ttyUSB0. I have a RaspPi Zero as well and I’ll try that another time to see if it’s the same, but I bet it is even though thats an Arm61.

To get the plugin to work, I had to change serialport@5.0.0 in package.json to serialport@6.0.0 (I’m using rnet so I only changed that one).

I don’t think serialport5 will compile for anyone anywhere anymore. After serialport6, they changed to using Promises which would require a rewrite of the proxy and rnet plugins. So use 6.

I also had to use Classic app to configure the SmartApp, and I’m sure others found that out. I’m looking into fixing things for the new app. I’m a developer so I should be able to.


Thank you! That would be amazing and I would be happy to contribute for your time with that.

So I just checked actiontiles to see if it would pull in the other aspects of the DH, but it didn’t… That’s a clue so I’ll see what I can do. I’m still a bit new to the new app, so give me a little bit.

Of course. Also. I’m running mine on a Pi Zero so I know it works on that.

Neither Actiontiles or SharpTools pulls in the info from the DH as far as Zone and Source.

@James_Taylor1, I was able to find serialport5 on the net and installed everything as usual after downloading it.

That would be incredibly awesome and much welcomed by this community.

@Its2loud, I was finally able to get webore to recognize the Source, so now I can use Source in my Actiontiles.

You found a repo of compiled serialport@ for ARM cpus?

This is where I got mine : https://www.npmjs.com/package/serialport?activeTab=versions

@redloro Any chance you are still around on this community?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but the app never updates anymore. All of the commands still send to the multizone amp, and I can change settings etc, but the app never reports the correct status or saves zone state info. It’s an entirely one way relationship. Every time I load the app, I can’t tell if a zone is on or off or what the current volume is.

If anyone else has any ideas @tcjennings or otherwise, let me know. Not sure if something changed on the Hub side where it’s no longer receiving the notify updates?

Hey dude! I see you are both new and got this working. Are you getting proper zone updates in the app? If you have a zone on and the volume set, when you load the app, do you see those correct settings? In my case, I can send the commands to change, but the app never records the settings for later review. If I close the app and reopen, it shows as off until I use the refresh button on the zone, and volume will be at 0 (even if sound is actively playing from speakers) and I’ll have to manually drag the slider up from zero.

I’m on the monoprice multi-zone variant. This all used to work fine, but a recent app update seemed to have killed off the functionality (I’ve not otherwise updated my pi, but I’m using most current versions of the DH and smartapp and monoprice plugin for STNP).

If you have this all working, I’d love to find out how!

I’ve had the same problem for a while now. I just ignore it since I mostly use webcore to change anything.

This is where I got mine : https://www.npmjs.com/package/serialport?activeTab=versions

I don’t think there are binaries there for ARM chips for v5 of serialport. Pis run on ARM, but I could still be wrong, I’m just still having trouble finding them.