*** No longer supported *** [RELEASE] Resilient My Ecobee Devices and ecosystem V6- migrated to custom capabilities & automation (presence, comfort settings, and more)!


  1. Yes, if you need more help on the github integration, just refer to
  1. Refer to my previous post about the stats generation smartapps:

To get tips, you need to use Ask Alexa or the ecobeeGetTips smartapp:



EDIT: You can see the stats produced under


And, by clicking on My Ecobee device, the stats attributes are (for example):

auxHeat1RuntimeDaily: 0.0 - Furnace stage 1
compCool1RuntimeDaily: 321.5 - A/C stage 1
fanRuntimeDaily: 767.0
auxHeat1RuntimeYesterday: 0.0
compCool1RuntimeYesterday: 281.75
auxHeat1RuntimeAvgWeekly: 0.0
compCool1RuntimeAvgWeekly: 152.86
auxHeat1RuntimeAvgMonthly: 0.0
compCool1RuntimeAvgMonthly: 295.78

If you have a 2-3 stage furnace, then there will be additonnal auxHeat stats generated.
The runtime stats are in minutes.

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