[OBSOLETE] Qubino Flush 1D Relay, Flush 2 Relays, Flush 1 Relay, & Flush Dimmer

Does your problem occur both on physical input activation and via Eric’s handler?

EDIT: Ah i think i know why it’s only closing. The Flush 1D module only has 1 output.
If your garage door opener is similar to motorized blinds then the motor should have 2 input lines, one for UP and one for DOWN motion. If this is true i’m afraid you’r not using the right “tool” for the job.

It only occurs when I use the Qubino device. When I use the opener on the wall, it works both ways. There is only one “input” line to the opener. It basically has two screws that need to be connected to close the loop and cause the garage door opener to trigger.

How did you wire the module to the garage door? Because the Flush 1D Relay can only assume 2 states. Either it outputs the voltage supplied to it via Qa through the Qb output or it doesn’t.
So i assume your garage door opener opens the door once the voltage is present on the output and closes it if the voltage isn’t present on the output, correct?

No, it opens/stops/closes based on voltage being present just for a moment. The button on the wall completes the circuit just for a split second while it is being pressed. I have configured the Qubino to turn on and then off again after 1/2 sec, 1 sec and 2 sec. It doesn’t change the result. It only works in one direction. It is a real head scratcher.

Do you know the voltage and duration required for opening and stopping?

If it works for closing you’r clearly getting the voltage through the output at times, so the device itself should be functional in that regard.

The voltage comes from the opener - I believe it is around 24-30v dc. The duration has to be variable since a pushbutton opener on the wall works.

This is really strange. The Qubino needs to act like someone pressing a momentary switch. Having the device automatically turn off after 1 second you think would do the trick. You say that you have tried that right?

Can you verify that when you activate the Qubino that the relay closes for a second and then opens again?

Yes, I did. I hooked it up to a 110 ac power cord connected to a device and confirmed that when I turned the switch on and off, the device turned on and off.

Just to verify (and since I have no idea what else to try). auto off should be set to something like 1 second and auto on should be disabled (with a value of 0).

In regards to setting configuration parameters on the Flush 1D Relay you can basically have only one “pulse regime” at a time set up on the device directly. For greater precision i’d suggest setting parameter 15 to 1 so the time is counted in miliseconds and then set the parameter 11 to the milisecond value needed (so, for 1 second enter 1000 here).

This will make the device turn output off 1 second after it’s on, regardless whether it’s activated via ST commands or the module’s I1 input.

If you need more than one length of the output activation at once i’m afraid you’ll need to modify the handler to send delayed on->off commands for each activation desired, via delayBetween() function.

Additionally, for debugging purposes, you can set parameter 1 to value 1, this will change the input to work as a push button, and then wire a push button connected to the device’s I1 input (note that L line is used on the input) and time the exact values needed to get it just right.

Can you perhaps share the eexact setup you have currently? How did you make delays in output activation? Perhaps a simple wiring image/drawing?

erocm1231 - I have it set as you described. Kjamsek, I have tried both seconds and milliseconds. I will consider the parameter 1 push button test, although the wall button that does work for the garage door doesn’t seem to have a timing configuration for it - I think it just goes off once you quit pushing it.

I will do some more testing and get back with you guys. Thanks for the input. Also, it appears from my timing that the millisecond parameter actually yields tenths of a second, not thousandths. If I set it to 500, it turns off after 5 seconds, not a half a second.

@erocm1231 Hi Eric
First thanks for sharing your work here.
By chance did you try the qubino flush pilot wire module ? I am looking fo a DH
Thanks a lot

@erocm1231 I have couple of Flush 2 Relays, and tried your handler.

On each I cannot get power reporting on change event. I can refresh and get actual power consumtion but auto update doesn’t work.

Also another bug noticed is, when trying to turn ALL on or OFF. Child devices are enabled/disabled, but main switch hangs on “Turning ON” or “Turning OFF”.

Tried to factory reset relays couple times, and it seems to work fine in the begining, if I don’t configure anything.
If I try to configure any value, or relay gets out of powe, then bugs comes back again.

Can it be something due to associations ?
I have installed Zwave-tweaker and run Scan Assoc Groups and gave me following:

3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:23: info Association Group #8 has name: Tempera
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:22: info Association Group #8 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:22: info Association Group #8 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:21: info Association Group #7 has name: K2Meter
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:20: info Association Group #7 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:19: info Association Group #7 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:18: info Association Group #6 has name: K2SwitchReport
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:18: info Association Group #6 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:17: info Association Group #6 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:16: info Association Group #5 has name: K2BasicSet
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:15: info Association Group #5 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:14: info Association Group #5 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:14: info Association Group #4 has name: K1Meter
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:13: info Association Group #4 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:12: info Association Group #4 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:11: info Association Group #3 has name: K1SwitchReport
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:10: info Association Group #3 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:10: info Association Group #3 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:09: info Association Group #2 has name: K1BasicSet
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:08: info Association Group #2 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:07: info Association Group #2 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:06: info Association Group #1 has name: Lifeline
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:06: info Association Group #1 contains nodes: [] (hexadecimal format)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:01:05: info Association Group #1 contains destinations: [] (hexadecimal format)

Scan general:

3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:08:05: info Version Report: Application Version: 1.01, Z-Wave Protocol     Version: 4.05, Z-Wave Library Type: 03 (Enhanced Slave)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:08:05: info Switch All Mode: 255: Device is included in the all on/all off functionality.
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:08:03: info Powerlevel Report: Power: NormalPower, Timeout: 0
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:08:02: info Manufacturer-Specific Report: Manufacturer ID: 0159, Manufacturer Name: null, Product Type ID: 0002, Product ID: 0051
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:08:00: info scanGeneral(): Scanning for common device attributes.

When I Turn ON main switch, child switches are enabled, but main hangs on Turning ON. Here are the logs:

3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:25: debug Parsed BasicReport(value: 255) to [null]
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:25: debug BasicReport BasicReport(value: 255)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:17: debug Parsed MultiChannelCmdEncap(bitAddress: false, command: 3, commandClass: 37, destinationEndPoint: 0, parameter: [255], sourceEndPoint: 2) to [null]
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:17: debug SwitchBinaryReport SwitchBinaryReport(value: 255)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:17: debug MultiChannelCmdEncap MultiChannelCmdEncap(bitAddress: false, command: 3, commandClass: 37, destinationEndPoint: 0, parameter: [255], sourceEndPoint: 2)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:16: debug Parsed MultiChannelCmdEncap(bitAddress: false, command: 3, commandClass: 37, destinationEndPoint: 0, parameter: [255], sourceEndPoint: 1) to [null]
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:16: debug SwitchBinaryReport SwitchBinaryReport(value: 255)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:16: debug MultiChannelCmdEncap MultiChannelCmdEncap(bitAddress: false, command: 3, commandClass: 37, destinationEndPoint: 0, parameter: [255], sourceEndPoint: 1)
3d8ab076-2738-47f8-9b0e-be926034d4b4  13:20:14: debug on()

Association group 1 needs to be [1] for my handler. Try changing that with Zwave tweaker and let me know. SmartThings usually sets that automatically upon inclusion.

@erocm1231 Thank you for your reply.
So here are results. Setting association group1 to 1 fixes the problem but till next power cut.

Here are my steps to reproduce:

  1. enable Zwave tweaker on your “Qubino Flush 2 Relays” device.
  2. open Zwave tweaker on Smartthings app on your “Qubino Flush 2 Relays” device.
  3. Go to settings and set:
  • assocition group ID: 1
  • association group Members: 1
  • command class (Auto-detect/ Single channel/ Multi channel - was not sure which one to pick ? but tried all 3 cases and have same results)
  1. click done.

  2. change device handler on your device back to “Qubino Flush 2 Relays”.

  3. enable amplifier << we see correct changes of Wats in the app

  4. unplug “Qubino” power completly !

  5. plug it again

  6. go to your device and you see Wats are not being updated, and on turning off, it freezez with “Turning OFF”

  7. go to smartthings IDE, and change device handler to Zwave Tweaker.

  8. don’t click anything in Zwave Tweaker, but check live logs << we see a flow of Wats updates imeediately

  9. change device handler from Zwave Tweaker to “Qubino Flush 2 Relays” again << all works fine again

As you see, it works fine till power cut. But what is really strange, that if i change device Handler to “Zwave Tweaker” it starts to sends update right away, even without touching anything else.

I have the same behaviour on 2 devices.

Based on the specification “Qubino Flush 2 Relay” should report power change over 1W

Parameter no. 41 – Power reporting in Watts    
NOTE: if power changed is less than 1W, the
report is not send (pushed), independent of
percentage set. 

I don’t know why, but mine, is reporting on decimal W change, so I see values like:


and so on.
@erocm1231 Do you also have power report with decimal values ? I tried modifing parameters 40 and 41, but I don’t see any changes.

Yes, I also get decimal values for W changes. What the note there is saying that if the change is less than 1W then it won’t ever send the report. If the values you posted above are consecutive, then that rule isn’t being followed. It doesn’t mean that it won’t send reports with a decimal value though.

@erocm1231 Have you tried to reproduce it ?

But do you also observe reporting which is smaller than 1 W ?
I have fraction of wats being reported on each of 3 devices I have tried so far.

On each I have configured reporting like that:
Power reporting in Watts on power % change: 20 %
Power reporting in Watts by time interval: 0 (disabled).

I have configured it using your device handler, and also tried using “Zwave Tweaker”, but haven’t noticed any difference.
Should any other association group be set maybe or anything else ?

Hi i’m struggling to get the right module for my garage.
And would love to see a all in one solution.

I have lights to control
I garagedoor to open (garagedoor opener)
And a sensor to verify wheter the door is open of closed

I was hoping to get this done with de qubino flush 2 relay.

So i sketched my best outcome, but can this be done. With few technical skills and this device handler?
