[OBSOLETE] Qubino Flush 1D Relay, Flush 2 Relays, Flush 1 Relay, & Flush Dimmer

Never mind, I figure it out, just added the piece of code to my DTH and Voila! Now it’s working like a charm. Thanks for the update!

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Hi, Thanks for work on providing handlers for this product. I have a new Flush 1 Relay I just purchased. ZMNHAD3 H1S6P2.
Using flush-1-relay.groovy & contact-sensor-child-device.groovy
Temperature changes are showing in logs but not on Classic app, I see temp that app starts with but it doesn’t change to show what logs say.
I have three of these units; Flush1, Flush on/off thermostat, and Flush 2 Relay.
I cannot get any of them to have the temperature probe work. I need them to be able to control pump and a inline water heater. Switch seems to work but no reporting of temperature.

Currently have a smartthings water sensor with temp output floating in a plastic box in water!
Thanks Kevin

Hi @tyron

I’m facing the same problem… I have Qubino relay 2 / and i have same issues with device status, in new app… could you help me with that

@erocm1231, correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think you implemented Input 1 and Input 2 into the Flush 2 device handler. Your Flush1 handler includes the code below, but nothing similar is found in Flush 2.

try {
for (i in 2…2) {
addChildDevice(“Contact Sensor Child Device”, “{device.deviceNetworkId}-i{i}”, null,
[completedSetup: true, label: “{device.displayName} (i{i})”,
isComponent: true, componentName: “i$i”, componentLabel: “Input $i”])
} catch (e) {
runIn(2, “sendAlert”)

It creates two child devices one for each relay. I don’t have the device anymore but I believe the inputs control the relays and aren’t the same as the inputs on the other devices.

try {
for (i in 1…2) {
addChildDevice(“Metering Switch Child Device”, “${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}”, null,
[completedSetup: true, label: “${device.displayName} (Q${i})”,
isComponent: false, componentName: “ep$i”, componentLabel: “Output $i”])
} catch (e) {
log.debug e
runIn(2, “sendAlert”)

I’m hoping that some clever soul/s here can help a guy out.

I am using the Qubino Flush 1D Relay with Eric’s device handler, and it works great - with the exception that it only talks to the hub when I manually refresh using the icon in the Classic app.

I did intend using the thermostat function to build some automation around for a hot water circulator, but it just will not update unless manually forced from the app. I’ve fooled around with all of the config settings. I’ve deleted, factory reset and tried all sorts of things but still no luck.

The input works fine from the app and switches the relay etc and the temperature also displays and updates when manually forced. I can try to heat/cool the sensor to force a state change, but nothing.

I assuming that maybe there’s something in the code for the DH that might need to be altered. Can anyone help?

Best, Behr.

Well, I’ve got one I just installed with a known working temperature probe that doesn’t read the temperature at all. So I’m wondering if some things on the platform have changed…

Just sort of adding on here…I’ve got the Flush 1D relay and when it includes, it automatically adds the child device. Should it be doing that? I thought that shouldn’t happen until you turned on the input?

And, like I said above, the temperature is not reporting, even with logging turned on. Wanted to know if that’s been seen or is this possibly a bad qubino unit…

@erocm1231 - I don’t know what’s changed, but the temperature readings don’t work with the flush 1D. I can see the reports coming in (I dropped an extra debug statement in) but they aren’t processed.

Also, the contact/child device on this doesn’t work either. Not quite sure if qubino changed something in the way the device works or reports, but the DH as published will not process the contact or the temperature with the device version I have, which, for the record, is ZMNHND3 H 1S 4P 2.

From looking at it, the handler is not properly handling the encapsulated endpoint reports at all. The only thing it handles is when the switch is activated and nothing else.

Yeah, it sounds like they have changed something in the firmware. If it is just security encapsulation then it is a simple update.

Hello ,

Im a little bit newbie with qubino, i have an issue that the contact sensor is not working , i have the qubino 1D flush, zmnhnd1, i still get the error "Child device creation failed" the contact doesnt work, it looks like this, if i click on the input 2 i get the second pic screen. All device handlers from here are installed. Can you help me please ?

The second screen is normal. That is a bug in the ios app.

Did you change the name or namespace of any of the child device handlers or of the Qubino handler? That would cause the child device creation error. Either that or the correct child device handler isn’t installed.

This week i have bought 3 new Qubino 1D relays.

I have loaded all the device drivers (for completeness) from GitHub.

When i add a device (on a 24V DC supply) it picks up the correct 1D device handler and tells me that it has created 1 child device. That should be OK so far as I have I2 set up to be a contact sensor.

In the device status screen, however, it only ever shows the I2 device as OPEN status even when i join the terminal directly to the +24V line.

I have tried resetting the device, rejoining it and i cannot get the status of I2 to change as i make and break the binary sensor contact.

I am keen for any advice which will help me to diagnose this please!

Does it show anything in the log when you toggle the i2 terminal?

nothing at all. i put full logging on and it’s still nothing.
I wonder whether the latest devices have some different responses in the firmware.

Yeah, it looks like something has changed. I added some code to associate group 4 to the SmartThings hub which should fix it (based on the user manual). After you update and publish the code you have to save preferences of the device by clicking the gear icon and clicking save.

Thank you very much for such a quick response.

I have just loaded the new handler, reset the device to manufacturer settings after removing it from the network, re-added it and tried it. It is a bit better but not quite there.

  1. I have the switch set to turn the output on for a short period and then off. It does that correctly but leaves the ON icon illuminated and even if i exit the app and restart it (under ios) it is still showing on. I have to touch to make it revert to OFF even though the relay output is off (I tested it)

  2. the I2 device gets set up fine, but still will not show any change if i connect the I2 terminal to the +24V line.

I am happy to run some debug code if you would like me to do so, though i am conscious this is turning into a load on you. i am grateful for what you have done so far!

For #1, what do you have the auto off set to? There might be a race condition where the on report is parsed after the off report. Or the device isn’t properly sending the off report.

For #2 still nothing in the log? You might want to save preferences again to make sure the group 4 association is set.

  1. Tried times from 150 msec (which as someone else observed way back up here seem to be 1/100s in practice not 1/1000s) and I see the relay click on and off in pretty close to 1.5 seconds. Set it to 5 seconds and still see the ON condition retained on the app screen for several minutes until it finally does eventually return to displaying OFF.
    It’s not just a display condition - the app really thinks the device is still ON as if I touch the ON it goes through Turning Off to OFF (even though the device was OFF so doesn’t change state).

Here is the log showing that device actually doing what it should - but the app isn’t reacting to it.
ee27f769-62a0-4135-a3ac-206966fd5d04 10:25:32: debug Parse returned [Arrr switch is off]

[ee27f769-62a0-4135-a3ac-206966fd5d04](https://graph-eu01-ee27f769-62a0-4135-a3ac-206966fd5d04 10:24:54: debug Parse returneuwest1.api.smartthings.com/ide/logs#ee27f769-62a0-4135-a3ac-206966fd5d04) 10:25:32: debug SwitchBinaryReport SwitchBinaryReport(value: 0)

ee27f769-62a0-4135-a3ac-206966fd5d04 10:25:31: debug on()

  1. Something useful from the log which is now appearing (my second device):
    f21e07e9-6687-4326-90c6-a7fd475a8a43 10:27:25: error groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Exception evaluating property ‘name’ for java.util.ArrayList, Reason: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: name for class: java.lang.Short @line 96 (parse)

f21e07e9-6687-4326-90c6-a7fd475a8a43 10:27:25: debug AssociationReport AssociationReport(reportsToFollow: 0, maxNodesSupported: 16, nodeId: [1], groupingIdentifier: 4)

I hope that helps. And thank you!


This is my first Qubino module installation… So be easy with me :slight_smile:

Using the ST web interface, I have initially added the Qubino Flush 1D Relay handler.
I’ve noticed it raises en error “Child device creation failed…” and then installed the “Contact Sensor Child Device” handler.

Unfortunately, it seems that I am in kind of a “zombie state” as device is paired with ST Hub but it still does not work for me.

This is how it looks on the App:

Can anyone help please?