[OBSOLETE] PlexPlus - Control Lighting with Plex Play Status

Hi @rgreenpc Richard,

No worries, it all makes sense when you are typing it :slight_smile: …

So for the virtual device… the default setting when created is “playing” with “–”, I will change this as it is slightly confusing and not really best practice!

However assuming you assign this to a room in PlexPlus to be updated it will sort itself out when you play and stop your first movie and then reflect the correct status going forwards and the – will change to the playback type…

So for your second scenario, PlexPlus does not do time based lighting… however there are options…

You could create a virtual switch or routine to trigger each play pause and stop action, and then use something like CoRE to then to control the lighting based on the time of day…

Or something slightly less official, but potentially easier… I have written a full home automation app, it’s unofficially released, but you can set “time modes” in the settings, then add a multimedia module to handle the device type from PlexPlus, then add 3 scenes, one for each play pause and stop which can have different actions based on the time of day… it’s not even as complicated as it sounds above…