[RELEASE] OmniThing v0.8.2 - ESP8266/ESP32/RaspberryPi/Linux/Windows Web-based Configuration Tool

Well trying to follow* lol

Wondering if anyone can help me - scanning through open ports on my Pi and I know 3333 is for OmniThing but Iā€™ve also got 8090 and 8888 open saying OmniThing. Can anyone confirm?

3333 is the web configuration tool, and 8090 is probably what you have configured for omnithingā€™s network receiver. Off the top of my head Iā€™m not sure what would be on 8888.

Hello Daniel i finally got everything installed (from our conversation above [RELEASE] OmniThing v0.8.2 - ESP8266/ESP32/RaspberryPi/Linux/Windows Web-based Configuration Tool - #130 by leinax )
all the sensors hooked up, a powerful power supply, the ST configured and i got all the sensors and devices showing up on SmartThings however none of them work LOL :slight_smile:

First I tried to get the relays to run properly by playing with device parameters in the configuration tool but i do not know where to start on that part as you say about the behavior of my sensors

I figured the relay would be the easiest connected to an output pin when high turn relay on but where do i change those values??

Depending on the behavior of your sensors (active low/active high and whether they have pullups, pulldowns, or neither) you may need to alter the ā€œpinModeā€ settings for each sensorā€™s ā€œInputBoolā€.

Please point me to the right direction and bare with me as i get this figured out i catch up quick lol


Here is also a snapshot of the IDE Logsā€¦ there is some info there and errors that i donā€™t know what to make of

Thanks again

What are the odds of this getting ported Over to hubitat?

It already is ported to Hubitat. The only difference for Hubitat is you need to use the following Parent Driver. All of the child drivers are the same.

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Those errors are usually caused by manually deleting a child device. This should work, but something in the ST backend cloud servers changed about a year ago that causes manually deleting a child device to cause issues. To resolve, you can delete the parent device and start over.

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Hello again on this thread :slight_smile:
I deleted and added, twice now, everything and it creates everything except humidity sensor child device from the DHT22 composite device it should create a total of 8 child devices but instead it creates 7.
At the beginning when i manually deleted duplicate devices that gave that error in IDE it created 2 Relay_1 and 2 Humidity sensors :slight_smile:

Anyhow i am waiting for @leinax when he has time to help me troubleshoot the GPIO settings cause none of them work and i tried to get the Relays working thinking it would be the easiest but nothing changes after i tweak the settings such as invert or initial ā€¦what else is out there??


Just getting back around to this now - did a search on Amazon for pull up resistor and this is what it came up with - is this correct?

Resistor 10k Ohm 1/6th Watt PTH

If youā€™re going to get more into electrical circuits, Iā€™d recommend getting an assortment of resistors like the following.


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yes that will work fine. However like Dan pointed out, your actually better off just getting a assortment. This way you have whatever you need on hand, and is actually cheaper (the item you posted after shipping is over $6! which is ridiculous for a passive component like a 1/16 watt resistorā€¦ a 1/16 resistor should only go for a cent or two eachā€¦)

FYI, I see you used the term ā€œpull upā€ in your search. The term ā€œpull upā€ is just basically defining what the job of the resistor is in a particular circuit. It is not defining a actual type of resistor. In a typical circuit, any 10K or 4.7K resistor will work. Granted there are circumstances where a different value is needed, but this likely will not apply in most circumstancesā€¦

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Ok guys i badly need some help ā€¦i tried to troubleshoot it by myself but i am running in circles.

I have installed and configured OmniThing with a dedicated raspberry pi and a few sensors everything is hooked up properly.
Onn the ST side i got the app and dht all installed and i can see the sensors and switchesā€¦ the problem is that none work.

There is one humidity and temperature sensor DHT22
4 simple high /low sensorsā€¦ a motion, vibration, sound and soil sensor
and 2 relays for on/off ā€œswitchesā€

The json config was created by Daniel @leinax and worked like a charm however i do not know what values i need to put hereā€¦i tried playing with all of them one by one but nothing changed

When i change some of the values for the relays (I figured them being the easiest to work with from previous experiences) i can hear them clicking like 4 times on and off when i click on ā€œUpdate Local Configā€ but they still can not be controlled via the ST app.
As far as the other sensors go none of them have showed any signs of life (their lights are on, on their respective boards they are hooked up correctly) but they all say what they have been saying from day one which is this screen shot

I have not deployed any resistors to do any pull ups and pull downs i keep reading aboutā€¦ and quite frankly i do not know what they areā€¦ i do but i still donā€™t have a firm grasp conceptually on them.

Where do i start?? what vales do you put on Triggers Interval and Command ??
input?? invert true or false?? pin mode ??
constantpoll?? true or false etc etc when it comes to switches

what do i do with the resistors??
how many kohms??
where do i need to put them in between pins or in line with a pin??

By the way there are no errors or abnormalities on the ST live logging so i guess that part is right.

Please please any help will be highly and greatly appreciated as success of this project is very important to me

Thank you in advance

Hi Denis,

I think we should start with getting the relays working, since they should be the most straightforward. You mentioned that you hear them toggling when OmniThing restarts, so thatā€™s a good sign the the correct gpios were selected. It sounds to me like there may be an issue with SmartThings communicating to your raspberry pi.

We know the pi can communicate to SmartThings, since the child devices are present in the app. The first thing to double check is that the port in the SmartThings app settings for the parent device match with the port specified in your NetworkReceiver config. I believe the config I gave you had it as port 8090. Make sure the app is the same. I think this is the most likely cause of the relay control not working.

Hey Daniel
Thank you so much for writing back
I just double checked we are on 8090 on both the app and the config

Okay, thatā€™s good. The next step is probably to take a look at the OmniThing logs, so we can see if any packets are being received by OmniThing.

If you ssh to your raspberry pi and run the following command you can see the log output in realtime:
tail -F /opt/omnithing/logs/omnithing.log

With that running, try toggling the relays in the SmartThings app. You should see log output corresponding to the switch being toggled.

Iā€™d also double check that you have the correct IP address in the SmartThings settings for your raspberry pi.

It looks like a communication failure
here is the out out of the ssh command

but nothing happens when i toggle the relays on the ST app

Does that also mean and is telling us that we are getting values from the DHT22 sensor but obviously not reporting back to the ST app??

Yes that appears to be the case. Have you configured your routerā€™s DHCP server to lease a static IP address to your raspberry pi? Iā€™d double check that the IP in the parent device settings is the same one for the pi. You can check the piā€™s by running ip addr .

Yes i have assigned a static ip address to the Pi it is the same one we have on the ST app i can ping it and SSh to it
the hub or smartthings can not apparently
i do not see any router rules that will block access to it and i have restarted it a bunch of times the pi and the router actually