[DEPRECIATED] Network Connected Ambient Weather Station V6

So are you saying that I should use the unit name of k/lux instead of lux? If so, I made the change in the latest version of V3.

Hold off on that. I noticed that it did show as lux today but I want to make sure tomorrow.

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I have a old S6 you can have for testing.

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Hi Kurt,
When I try to set up Ambient Weather Station Service Manager V3 in the ST app I get the error message “Please fill out all required fields” and the “Tile Display Options” is highlighted in red. I have set the refresh and Solar Radiation Units of Measure in that section, but it doesn’t seem to believe me.
Thanks in advance for any advice!

Dear @muddslinger,

Can you verify the following 3 files are in sync with the Update from Repo versions, I have made some bug fies from last night. All 3 files should be the color black:

My SmartAPPs -

  1. kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Service Manager V3

My Device Handlers -

  1. kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor V3
  2. kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station V3

I would verify that these above 3 files are in your ST IDE and that they are black color, which means they are the latest version to the STAmbientWeather (master) repo. If not, you need to Update from Repo and Publish/Save

This V3 version ONLY requires the API key as Ambient support allows me to share my APP key. Your API key is entered in the "kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Service Manager V3” smartApp in the settings area of the SmartAPP (See below). You have to place your API key in the following area before proceeding with the installation in the mobile client:

The Tile Display Options will stay RED even though you have completed that page, I am researching why this happens since when I complete all the fields, it still is red.

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Is V3 ready to use ?

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The current version is working for iPhone users. I am in the process of redesigning the install menus to be less complicated so Android users might have a chance. I am also adding a NO COLOR install option so the colors won’t hide the values on Android devices.

I will have the new version for testing (3.1) very soon!

Ok – once you get my old S6 you will be able to test !!

BTW the lux setting is ok. Don’t use k/lux !!

STAmbientWeather Version 3.0 is now the only supported release.

  • All other prior versions have been moved the ‘Depreciated-Versions’ GitHub branch. It is strongly recommended that you migrate to V3 for support and features described below.

Features Added in STAmbientWeatherV3

  • Eliminated the need for end users to obtain a developers APP key from Ambient. End users ONLY need their weather stations’ API key.
  • Reduced complex nested menu trees during install to fix Android o/s install issues
  • Added a ‘NO COLOR’ option preference during install to accomodate Android background color display issues.
  • Recognizes up to 8 Ambient (WH31B or similar) remote temperature/hyro sensor(s) as new child devices (separate SmartThing devices) for viewing and handling temperature and humidity events. It is recommended to create a ‘Room’ called weather to group the weather station and remote sensors for ease of display.
  • Added lux preference display option for an additional Units of Measure for displaying Solar Radiation (Illuminance).
  • Added dynamic secondary control banner to the main temperature tile based on Feel Like, Rain, Wind or Humidity conditions.
  • Added additional error handling logic for inconsistencies in the weather API returned data.
  • Added new power/energy capability to allow for viewing wind speed in ActionTiles™

Required Files in your SmartThings IDE Repository

IDE Repository Filename
My SmartApps kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Service Manager V3
My Device Handler kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station V3
kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station V3 No Color Tiles
kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor V3
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Thanks so much for creating and sharing this! It’s pretty much what I need, but I have a question. I live in a condo that doesn’t have central heating and cooling so I tore apart my electric wall units and added Z-Wave switches to them. I first tried to get a home thermostat and the virtual thermostat SmartApp from ST to control the system. It sort of worked, but thermostats aren’t really designed to sit there and just provide temperature. I purchased the 2602A and I love all the data! I currently have my virtual central HVAC working using IFTTT, but it looks like with your brilliant implementation I thought I could remove IFTTT. I have one problem though, with the virtual thermostat I can select the Ambient WS, but it only allows me to use the outside temperature :o. Do you know if it could be possible to obtain the inside temperature for the virtual thermostat?

My outdoor Ambeint Weather Station WH31B remotes in the shade now show up in Action Tiles - Thank You

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Dear @bmrgato ,

I never thought about an actual purpose to use the Ambient Weather Station’s console’s internal temperature and humidity sensors to control events, but it makes sense.

When you think about it, the Ambient weather console is actually a separate ‘remote multi-sensor’ all by itself. Currently, STAmbientWeather was designed for capturing and reporting all of its’ external and internal sensors to ONE device handler which the ‘Primary Temperature” for the Ambient Weather Station device is defaulted to the outside temperature and humidity.

Background: SmartThings only allows a device handler to have one type of capability, like ‘temperature’ and if that device provides a second temperature, it is defined by a custom capability. IFTTT apparently cannot pick up those custom capabilities and therefore only sees the standard capabilities, like outside temp, outside humidity, etc… All of the other data values are reported in custom capabilities.

Correction: The best option is that I recognize the Ambient Weather Station’s console as a separate remote sensor 0. As a result, I will need to add more logic and programming to the V3 SmartApp to create a separate remote sensor device 0, much like I do with users who have actual Ambient remote temperature/humidity sensors, labeled as 1-8 when detected in the API data.

Note: I still plan to report Ambient’s inside temperature and humidity data values in the Weather Station’s device using the same custom capabilities, but there will be a NEW separate device added to ones things that will be labeled 'Ambient - Console’ which will have temperature and humidity values that can be accessed by IFTTT or your virtual thermostat.

When: Possibly new V3 beta build completed mid-week.


STAmbientWeather Version 3.02 Available for upgrade

This minor release does NOT require removing and reinstalling V3.

Select ‘UPDATE FROM REPO’ for the SmartApp and then configure your preferences in the SmartApp which will automatically create a new SmartThings Thing for your Weather Station’s console internal temp/humidity sensors and ask for the location of your console . (See below for the console weather device labeled ‘Ambient - Kitchen’).

V3.02 - Jan 7, 2019

  • Added informative input titles for App setup and configuration
  • Added a NEW separate SmartThings remote sensor device to report the internal temperature and humidity values originating from the Ambient’s Weather Station console. This new SmartThings device will appear as a remote sensor DTH in your things view. You can add it to other weather sensors in your {Weather} room.
  • Added Footcandle as a choice for another unit of measure for Solar Radiation
  • Additional error handling from local weather forecast API.

Required Files in your SmartThings IDE Repository

IDE Repository Filename
My SmartApps kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Service Manager V3
My Device Handler kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station V3
kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station V3 No Color Tiles
kurtsanders : Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor V3

Now when are you going to code in the weather tile for ActionTiles ?

Got a error updating from repo…

Updated 0 and created 0 SmartApps, 0 published (1 skipped due to errors)


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What was the fix?

After I release V3.03 (which converts all Weather Forecast to the supported TWC API), I will work on the Action Tiles integration!

V3.03 - Jan ?, 2019 (Beta)

  • Converted all weather/location API calls from depreciated Weather Underground API’s to SmartThings Supported Weather/locational API’s.
  • Changed current Weather Icons to SmartThings TWC
  • Eliminated the need for a duplicate separate ‘Refresh’ tile. A manual Tile Refresh can be manually activated on the tile labeled ‘Refresh N mins’ where N is an integer.
  • Added Moon Lunar Day & phase to Weather Tiles
  • Improved Weather Alerts to handle multiple alerts.
  • Added longitude & latitude in display for alerts

The IDE is playing up on me. Seems there is a issue going on with ST that hasn’t been addressed. Sometime my IDE says I have no hubs and/or no devices/apps. If I refresh the screen a few times it works.

I have seen his from time to time, as well as it says I am not authorized. Very frustrating, sometimes I have to use Chrome Incognito to edit device drivers or APP settings.

Not sure what is going on, but makes me nervous that the whole server environment in which they support or SMartApps might crash and burn!

Which is why I want to try and port this over to HE. At least there it runs locally.

Also you should have a chat with Terry at ActionTiles and see about getting Ambient weather attributes added to the tiles.

Wind Speed and direction, how much rain hour/day/week or month.