[RELEASE] Neato (Connect) V1.2.6c (Botvac Connected Series)

Just paste the new 1.2b code over the old one. You will lose your previous smartschedule settings if you had any. Shouldn’t take long to set it back up.

I know you do that in smart things dev. But can’t figure out how to.

I installed 1.2b and today the schedule was set to ready, and when I left and the house was armed away, the mode I have set, the neato came on, great!

Then the schedule reset, I had 21 hrs left, and I left the house again, and the neato started up again, oops.

I think when notifications are not turned on, it’s just started every time it gets the away event? Not sure, tomorrow I will see what it does when I leave the house.

Also, when it counting down, when it gets to the last hour, it just says 0, should switch to minutes if it can on the indicator on how much time left on smart schedule

Thanks David. I think you’re onto something. Found the bug and this would happen if you have SmartSchedule notifications set to off and SmartSchedule trigger mode set to mode, switch or presence.

Update Neato (Connect) to 1.2c and see if this fixes it.

I updated, will test again tomorrow, thanks!

Some more bug fixes in Neato (Connect) v1.2d.

So I got a bot vac, installed the DTH and the ST App… when I went to install the smart app it simply moved it into the Smart App section without asking me to login to Neato.

I didn’t realize this to I tried again (and again).

Now I have 3 instances of the app, but when I try to open any of the apps… nothing happens which means I cannot even remove the app to start over???

Just to make sure, I removed Neato completely and reinstalled and it seems to install OK from a fresh installation, so unsure why you’re seeing this issue. Try the steps below:

You can remove the Neato apps from the SmartThings IDE.

  1. Head to graph.api.smartthings.com
  2. Log in
  3. Click ‘My Locations’ at the top left.
  4. Click ‘smartapps’ in table
  5. Click ‘Edit’ under banner image
  6. Uninstall the Neato (Connect) under ‘Other’ section.

Update the Neato smart app to v1.2e. I have updated the Neato (Connect) app to 1.2e to ensure that multiple instances of the smart app cannot be installed by accident.

Try again. Hope that helps.

I am certain this is me. Here’s what I did.

Removed the app using your instructions above.
Linked the app and DTH through the repository
Updated both.

Installed the app and still could not login.

I can see the app in my smart app settings so I click on the app.

This is what appears in my Live Log

bb09a4af-d292-45bf-99fd-086767702f17  8:34:47 AM: error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected status code 400 from global /clients/null with status text Bad Request @ line 91
bb09a4af-d292-45bf-99fd-086767702f17  8:34:47 AM: debug authPage()

Enable oauth for the smart app.

… and ladies and gentlemen it works!

I’m heading off to buy some eyeglasses and get some coffee because I can’t believe I missed that step.

Thank you for all your help and PS - great work on the Eight connected mattress!

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Hey Alex,

First off, awesome job on the app/device handler. I just found/installed this morning. I really enjoyed putting my own error notifications in there.

I have a problem when scrolling down to the map section it will display, but if I scroll back up to the tiles/buttons and then back down, the map section disappears. Any ideas? I tried making the table columns smaller and also tried making the div overall width be less than 100% just in case. Didn’t seem to make a difference.

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot for the work on this, it looks excellent.

I set up everything without a problem, it detects my botvac connected, I can see the map, and start and stop the cleaning. However, I set the SmartSchedule to clean daily when away after 10 minutes with no override switched. Yesterday, for some reason the SmartSchedule wasn’t set, but I just set it up so I figured maybe a one time delay. I got a notification after I got home yesterday that it was set to clean next time I was away.

However, this morning, SmartThings went into Away mode at 8:40am, so the cleaning should have started at 8:50am, unless I’m misunderstanding something. I didn’t get a notification, and looked at 10:20am but it still said “SmartSchedule waiting for configured trigger.” Am I missing something here? Why did it not trigger at 8:50? Is there a way to get useful logs for diagnosing? I opened api.smartthings.com/ide/logs, but it doesn’t include past logs. I guess I’ll leave it open all night and see what it says tomorrow after it goes away for 10 minutes.

Should be fixed in the latest Neato (Connect) 1.2f :slight_smile:

As of yesterday (or at least that’s the first time I’ve noted it) the maps are no longer appearing in the app even though they are present in the Neato stand alone app.
I get an error message that the map isn’t available, try again later.
Was something changed on the Neato side to prevent map download?

Can anyone confirm which of the Neato’s are compatible with the please

I believe it would be the D3,D5 and Connected.

I’m still seeing maps in the device. Wait until another clean cycle completes and see if the new map appears within SmartThings.

I am seeing the neato map retrieval failed also

What’s the error in the smartthings log when trying to view the map? Try reauthorise your Neato credentials from the smart app?