Sleepy devices cannot be queried like beaming/active devices. They are designed to wake up, report an event (open/close in this case) and go back to sleep to preserve battery. This DTH allows you to customize the wake up interval but reducing it (default is about 8 hours) to minutes will impact battery life and should be the last resort. It may be more effective to get to the root cause of the intermittent loss of events which is usually caused by a mesh issue or a bad device in the mesh.
Ideally make sure your sensors are within about 20ft of a active mains powered z-wave plus device. If you already have a few of them around then do a Z-Wave Repair and check the logs for any devices which may not be responding as they may be dropping the events. Some of the older zwave devices tend to stop routing messages after a few years (like GE) so it may help to exclude your mains powered devices, repair the mesh until you find the errant device and replace it.
As for LUM, you can skip the door sensor and it’ll re-lock irrespective of the door open/close state after the defined period.