[RELEASE] ActionTiles, the homepage for your SmartThings home!

I’ll answer with ActionTiles features:

  1. A new ActionTiles feature is “Tilesets” which I think are nearly equivalent to the “quadrants” you mention. It keeps groups of Tiles together for easier management.

  2. ActionTiles supports the creation of unlimited number of Panels instead of just 5, and you can link between them with Panel Shortcut Tiles. A good way to separate rooms if you don’t want clutter up one page.

  3. Currently there is no command / function grouping (ie, for master Switches or Alarm Zones etc) in ActionTiles; but this is on our feature request list. It is a potential for us to leverage the Tileset feature.

  4. We still recommend folks make use of the SmartThings platform for “automation”, which includes having multiple lights triggered by a Virtual/Simulated Switch (a feature of Smart Lighting or CoRE) and then you can add the Virtual Switch as a Tile.