[OBSOLETE] Lowes Iris and XFinity CentraLite keypad DTH + Apps

I’m using an Xfinity 3400-X (purchased on Ebay) and it now works well. For sofware: the DTH from the beginning of this post with a minor modification, E Thayer’s Lock Manager (not User Lock Manager), three CoRE pistons, a simulated open/close sensor, and Smarthome. Should you prefer, avoid the tweaking by using SmartAlarm.

Piston 1. Provides an entryDelay missing in Smarthome
Piston 2. Followup for Piston 1, triggers the alarm state in Smarthome
Piston 3. Sends a notification/message when alarm state is armed and Front Door sensor is open. Needed since real sensor is no longer monitored by Smarthome.

More info on Piston 1 and 2