[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

Lock User Management (LUM) - Version 07.13.01

  • (New) Added option to automatically lock and unlock locks for presence users
  • (Fix) Separate Door open/close actions when multiple locks are selected
  • (Security) Auto unlock will no longer trigger for open doors (due with faulty door sensors)
  • (New) Improved compatibility with new ST app STHM

EDIT: We’ve fixed this issue with the Android ST app in 07.13.01.

(v07.13.00) If you’re using an Android phone, tap the “Enter” or “Done” key on the onscreen keyboard before pressing Next on the page. On some Android phones, the ST mobile app doesn’t register what you’ve entered until you press the “Done”/“Enter” key on the keyboard.

Please ensure that your lock is within 20ft of a buffering device for the best experience (the buffering device should be between the hub and the lock for maximum effectiveness).

Optionally you can use the Enhanced Universal Z-Wave Lock or the Universal ZigBee Lock device handler for a more customized lock experience.

© RBoy Apps

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