[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

So herein lies the problem. Your lock doesn’t seem to be setting the codes, it keeps responding back with no code set. I’m assuming this is a Schage lock since you appear to be using my Schlage Device code, so the only two reasons I can think of why this happens:

  1. You’re entering a 6 digit code there, is your lock configured to accept 6 digit codes? (by default Schlage locks accept 4 digit or 8 digit codes depending on the model). If the code length’s of the codes in the app and what’s configured on the lock don’t match the lock won’t accept it
  2. The lock is in a corrupted state, if so, remove the lock from ST, remove the batteries and then pair it again.

I’m going to lay my bet on option 1. Best of luck.

I wish… I set the lock to accept 6 digit codes. I’ll try number 2 and let you know :slight_smile:

I would recommend you reset your lock to say 4 digits and then try using 4 digit codes (to test it out). My suspicion (based on what we see in our labs) is that the code length isn’t matching so it’s not accepting it. unfortunately Schlage doesn’t return an error when the length mismatches, it just ignores it.

So that i do this right… Delete the lock, add it back and pair it, then add back your device code then your smart ap?

Ha, schlage thought it was there keypad and they are sending me another
lock for free and i just went and changed the codes to 4 digit and “it
works”! Serves them right for not fixing the 6 digit.

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Be cool if through presense it could recognize which person is in the geofence coming back and unlock the door based on that persons device

I"m glad you were able to figure this out. Home Automation is a very complex environment with many moving parts. Thankfully the simplest of which are the coding and the apps.

I’m having a problem. I updated to the latest version of the app and tried to modify my codes to add and remove some stuff. Now, all the codes are missing. Below is the live logging. In any case, it appears that the lock is adding the user code and then immediately deleting it.

Any hints?

Edit: I ran the app in the code simulator IDE and it worked without that “deleting code X” line. Any idea what is going on?

I would suggest delete the app and start over. Maybe the settings got corrupted during the upgrade.

Nope. Deleted the app completely, added a completely new app, and tried again. Still getting the “deleting code X” still. Is there any more verbose level of debugging?

Edit: I’m going to send a message to ST and see if there is something they can look into. In the meantime, I guess I’ll have to suffer through entering codes manually on the lock. What a first world problem.

Make sure you’re using the latest code, and when you say you deleted it completely, I’m assuming you mean delete the SmartApp from the IDE and then start over by creating a new app and then installing it thereafter. I suspect ST support may not help much, they’ll probably pass the buck to the dev. Once you reinstall from scratch, PM me what you see on the live logging and I’ll take to look to see what’s going on.
Also check your delay, I suspect the lock is sending the commands too quickly by looking the time stamps. Increase it to 60 seconds and try it.

@rboy I’m still having issues with the re-locking feature. What I’ve noticed is that if I unlock the door, open it, and close it, the door will not re-lock. But if I then open it and close it again it then locks itself. I’ve tried messing around with the immediate locking delay in your code by changing it form 3 seconds to 10 but it doesn’t appear to help. Seeing as how it works consistently the 2nd time, I’m not sure if this can be attributed to a networking issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What does live logging show? It’s all event driven. It’s working perfectly in our setup here so it it’s got be a timing or communication issue. The app sends a lock command when it receives a door closed notification (it checks the current state of the lock and if it’s unlocked it send a lock command, pretty straight forward). So either it isn’t getting the door close notification or the lock status reported to ST by the lock is incorrect. If it happens the second time you do it then your door sensor isn’t communicating with ST properly. It’s pretty simple, when you closed it the first time, open your sensor device on the phone and see what status it’s reporting. If its not showing closed you’ve got your issue. If it’s showing as closed, then your lock isn’t reporting the status to ST correctly. You’ll have to see your distance and setup, and unfortunately that isn’t as simple as it sounds. First think I would try is repairing the Z-Wave network

My live logging never works. Is there something specific I need to do? Or are you talking about the activity feed in the app?

This is my activity feed. As you can see, my door openings and closings are recorded properly.

No jarettp. This isn’t live logging. Live loggin is the link on the IDE page. This doesn’t have enough debug information to see what’s going on. You can filter the messages by application in live logging.
Anyways from whatever I can see but it isn’t much it looks like something isn’t right there appears to be some sort of message the app is trying to post to the activity feed but it’s empty an I can see anything. You may have a corrupted install or a missing input somewhere. Delete and try to start over is all I can suggest unless you can get more details from live logging.

Yea I know what the live logging is but like I said it doesn’t always work. Not sure if I need to do something in particular to get it to start populating. I’ll try reinstalling in the meantime.

I’m wondering if the two are connected, if your hub instance on the cloud and your apps space is has issues.

Alright I got to the bottom of the live logging issue. It was the computer I was using. Please see the below logs. I have not yet deleted and re-installed your app and device.

438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:16:06 PM: trace Pending immediate door locks []
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:03 PM: debug “zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 FF 00 00 FE FE " parsed to [‘name’:‘lock’, ‘value’:‘locked’, ‘isStateChange’:false, ‘displayed’:false, ‘linkText’:‘Lock’, ‘descriptionText’:Lock lock is locked]
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:03 PM: trace Alarm forced/lowest | Battery 71%
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:03 PM: debug DoorLockOperationReport DoorLockOperationReport(doorCondition: 0, doorLockMode: 255, insideDoorHandlesMode: 0, lockTimeoutMinutes: 254, lockTimeoutSeconds: 254, outsideDoorHandlesMode: 0)
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:16:01 PM: debug Lock was locked with description: Lock lock is locked
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:16:01 PM: debug Event name lock, value locked, device Lock, data null
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:16:01 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:16:01 PM: debug event happened zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 FF 00 00 FE FE - locked
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:00 PM: debug “zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 FF 00 00 FE FE " parsed to [‘name’:‘lock’, ‘value’:‘locked’, ‘isStateChange’:true, ‘displayed’:true, ‘linkText’:‘Lock’, ‘descriptionText’:Lock lock is locked]
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:00 PM: trace Alarm forced/lowest | Battery 71%
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:16:00 PM: debug DoorLockOperationReport DoorLockOperationReport(doorCondition: 0, doorLockMode: 255, insideDoorHandlesMode: 0, lockTimeoutMinutes: 254, lockTimeoutSeconds: 254, outsideDoorHandlesMode: 0)
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:56 PM: trace Checking for any pending immediate door locks in 10 seconds
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:56 PM: trace Removing 3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce from the list of pending immediate locks
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:54 PM: info Locking the door Lock immediately
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:54 PM: trace Pending immediate door locks [3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce]
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:44 PM: trace Adding 3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce to the list of immediate locks
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:44 PM: debug Relocking Lock immediately in 10 seconds
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:44 PM: debug Sensor Front Door Sensor belongs to Lock Lock
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:44 PM: trace Event name contact, value closed, device Front Door Sensor
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:44 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:44 PM: debug event happened - closed
dca7dc70-3eeb-45f0-beb0-a7ae82919720 3:15:44 PM: info Front Door Light is False, but delayed by 5 minutes
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:41 PM: info Bridge response: [{“success”:{”/lights/10/state/on”:true}}]
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:41 PM: trace Parsing description
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:41 PM: debug Parsing 'index:0F, mac:001788142DFE, ip:0A000007, port:0050, requestId:39138c65-137d-4ee9-b626-85f2394a16bd, headers: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, body:W3sic3VjY2VzcyI6eyIvbGlnaHRzLzEwL3N0YXRlL29uIjp0cnVlfX1d’
5d67cb17-4227-4cbf-a25d-6ee8e5f9956a 3:15:41 PM: debug parse() - [name:switch, value:on, isStateChange:true, displayed:true, linkText:Hue (Connect), descriptionText:Hue (Connect) switch is on]
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:40 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:40 PM: debug event happened - open
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:29 PM: trace Pending immediate door locks []
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:15:26 PM: debug “zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 00 00 02 FE FE " parsed to [‘name’:‘lock’, ‘value’:‘unlocked’, ‘isStateChange’:false, ‘displayed’:false, ‘linkText’:‘Lock’, ‘descriptionText’:Lock lock is unlocked]
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:15:26 PM: trace Alarm forced/lowest | Battery 71%
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:15:26 PM: debug DoorLockOperationReport DoorLockOperationReport(doorCondition: 2, doorLockMode: 0, insideDoorHandlesMode: 0, lockTimeoutMinutes: 254, lockTimeoutSeconds: 254, outsideDoorHandlesMode: 0)
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:15:22 PM: debug “zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 22 01 00 00 " parsed to [‘displayed’:true, ‘descriptionText’:Lock is busy, try again later, ‘isStateChange’:false, ‘linkText’:‘Lock’]
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:15:22 PM: trace Alarm forced/lowest | Battery 71%
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:19 PM: trace Checking for any pending immediate door locks in 10 seconds
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:19 PM: trace Removing 3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce from the list of pending immediate locks
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:17 PM: info Locking the door Lock immediately
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:17 PM: trace Pending immediate door locks [3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce]
dca7dc70-3eeb-45f0-beb0-a7ae82919720 3:15:07 PM: info Front Door Light is False, but delayed by 5 minutes
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:07 PM: trace Adding 3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce to the list of immediate locks
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:07 PM: debug Relocking Lock immediately in 10 seconds
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:07 PM: debug Sensor Front Door Sensor belongs to Lock Lock
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:15:07 PM: trace Event name contact, value closed, device Front Door Sensor
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:06 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:06 PM: debug event happened - closed
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:02 PM: info Bridge response: [{“success”:{”/lights/10/state/on”:true}}]
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:02 PM: trace Parsing description
b2a0acbc-f768-499e-9f66-b7ccf6af68eb 3:15:02 PM: debug Parsing 'index:0F, mac:001788142DFE, ip:0A000007, port:0050, requestId:3bfcfdb6-a1c1-4a6e-9757-67f1ad100bcc, headers: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, body:W3sic3VjY2VzcyI6eyIvbGlnaHRzLzEwL3N0YXRlL29uIjp0cnVlfX1d’
5d67cb17-4227-4cbf-a25d-6ee8e5f9956a 3:15:02 PM: debug parse() - [name:switch, value:on, isStateChange:true, displayed:true, linkText:Hue (Connect), descriptionText:Hue (Connect) switch is on]
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:00 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:15:00 PM: debug event happened - open
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:14:57 PM: debug Lock was unlocked manually
438d2a82-1e90-4173-beda-1304a216f04e 3:14:57 PM: debug Event name lock, value unlocked, device Lock, data null
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:14:57 PM: debug Event data successfully posted
9b66bcc6-bc0a-4054-8763-43a773ea70bd 3:14:57 PM: debug event happened zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 71 05 16 01 00 FF 06 02 00 - unlocked
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:14:55 PM: debug "zw device: 03, command: 9881, payload: 00 71 05 16 01 00 FF 06 02 00 " parsed to [‘name’:‘lock’, ‘value’:‘unlocked’, ‘descriptionText’:Lock was manually unlocked, ‘isStateChange’:true, ‘displayed’:true, ‘linkText’:‘Lock’]
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:14:55 PM: trace Alarm forced/lowest | Battery 71%
3282a377-01ed-4222-b9ec-a85af59021ce 3:14:55 PM: debug AlarmReport AlarmReport(alarmLevel: 1, alarmType: 22, eventParameter: [], numberOfEventParameters: 0, zensorNetSourceNodeId: 0, zwaveAlarmEvent: 2, zwaveAlarmStatus: 255, zwaveAlarmType: 6)

I think this is where my lock is having problems. Could it have something to do with the lock sending it’s battery and alarm state at the same time? Is there a way to continue trying to lock the lock if the app sees that it wasn’t successful?