*** No longer supported *** [OBSOLETE] Introducing ScheduleTstatZones: multi zoned heating/cooling solution for your home

Today, I made the following changes to the smartapp:

  • Added “Ask Alexa” Notifications in the Notifications Page. By setting to true, you’ll be able
    to read and play messages from the smartapp by interacting with Amazon echo/Ask Alexia.

Some safeguards notifications will be sent to Alexa when applicable (ex. ratio of open vents/total vents is too low) and when your thermostat is set to away or present based on motion.

  • Please note that you need version 2.1.3a of Ask Alexia to make it work. Please refer to this thread below for more details.

The new version is available at my store:



P.S. The new version has been sent to all my contributors.

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