[OBSOLETE] Hayward OmniLogic pool equipment integration

Will move over to GH.

Hey @soupman98 I did add some icons (using ocfDeviceType) but the icon set is limited and I couldn’t find a water heater icon, so for heaters it’ll just be the regular thermostat icon.

I also removed fan speed capability from the VSP driver. so now you can just use the % level.

Check out the development branch for these updates and fixes for the issues you reported on Github: GitHub - maartenvantjonger/omnilogic-smartapp at development

Thanks @Hugh_Smith.
About the infinite loop you’re seeing: Does that happen when you click on a specific button? I’ve never had this myself so this may be hard to figure out.

The integration will poll for device updates every 15 minutes, so if you use Hayward’s app to change the setpoint it can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the Smartthings app. My advice here is to mainly use the smartapp to control the pool.

By default, the heater driver will show you the last recorded water temperature when the pump was still on. You can change this behavior in the heater device’s settings. Then it will show a temperature of -1 when the pump is off.

Your third problem worries me most. Were you able to add any devices this way? That’s the only way the devices will work and update correctly.
I would like to see your smartapp application state:

  • Log in at https://consigliere-regional.api.smartthings.com
  • Click My Locations
  • Click the smartapps link in the last column of the table under Installed Smartapps.
  • Then click Omnilogic and copy everything next to availableDevices and also mspConfig .
    If you would DM me with that information I think I’ll be able to help!

Hi @Hugh_Smith, I was actually able to reproduce your first issue by simulating a broken network connection on the login page, the devices page and the telemetry page.
I fixed this in the development branch by making sure the page details always return, even if something goes wrong.

You can update the smart app code with the new version:

@mvtjonger, I’m not sure where I’m failing here, but I get a return of “Error getting devices” after setting everything up and going to the “Devices” in the OmniLogic smartapp.

Any ideas?

Sorry, I didn’t get notified of your message.

Could you open the Live logging page at https://consigliere-regional.api.smartthings.com/ , then enable debugging in the OmniLogic smartapp and open the Devices page?

That should give us a hint of what’s going on.

Hi - thank you for building this amazing app!! Long time Omnilogic user and fan but always lacked integration. I do have one request/question - is there anyway the app can pickup a “Flow Sensor” alert from Omnilogic? I want to use this to notify if flow is interrupted. I can see flow alerts in the native app and Hayward website. Would love to build alert logic on flow being cut off.

Hi. I’m having trouble setting up the device handlers. Below is a screen shot of the error I get. Not sure what I am doing wrong

Make sure that all the device handlers are installed and published:

If that doesn’t work check out the “Live logging” section while trying to add the devices. It’ll let you know what is going wrong.

Hi again Maarten, with the demise of Groovy where does this way cool integration stand?

Hey Steve, unfortunately I don’t personally use Smartthings anymore and have no time to learn and convert this to Edge. I use this driver on the Hubitat hub which will keep working with Groovy.