I spent quite a few hours trying to get this device handler to work for a recently purchased Aeotech NanoMote Quad. I just wanted to share my experience in case it helps other users, or facilitates improvement to this device handler.
I purchased the NanoMote Quad device with the intent of using it to control lighting scenes. I attempted to use Smart Lighting to set up lighting automations, testing with both the Smarthings app, as well as the Classic app. Neither app was able to recognize the four discrete buttons on the NanoMote device as available triggers, and both apps are behaving as if there is only a single button (i.e. only one button can be assigned as a trigger in the app and pressing any button on the NanoMote device executes the single assigned action). Nothing I tried worked to change that result (including testing other Smart Apps such as CoRE).
After fumbling around IDE and both Smarthings apps for some time, I ended up trying out an Aeon WallMote hander, which seems to be working (for now) - all four buttons for both press and hold actions show up as available triggers in both Smart Lighting and CoRE. ([[RELEASE] Aeon WallMote Dual & Quad - 2 & 4 Button]). I’m not sure if this is a permanent solution though.
Appreciate any feedback if I’ve not set this device handler up properly. I would prefer to us this handler specifically written for the Nanomote if I can get it to work!