[Release] [Closed] Google Assistant Relay V1 - Google Home Audio Notifications!

Everything was working fine for over two weeks and today my Home stopped responding. My activity shows Google is responding, but all is quiet. Even started over from scratch, same results

I did the same. I even created a new project in Google Cloud console and that didn’t help either.

Still working fine here. Upon restart of assistant-relay, do you get the broadcast on your google home/mini? Just trying to determine where to start troubleshooting (ST vs assistant-relay.)

Nope. And I tried to send broadcasts from Postman and that doesn’t work either. It’s definitely a relay or GH issue and not ST.

I’m still not getting broadcasts either.

Mine didnt broadcast it connected either. But it shows same activity now as when it worked.

are only a few having issues? really bums me out. I just switched over from using VLC thing in Webcore to this, after i tested everything for a week, and suddenly, it stops.

This has got to be an issue on Google’s side. It’s worked fine here.

Can you try just opening assistance on your phone and TYPING in “broadcast hello”

Also, are your commands appearing here https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity

Edit: Didn’t trigger here this morning either. Hmm

guys have you trying downgrading your node.
Also try on another platform.
I noticed all use new nodes would not work but am LTS…
It’s worth a shot

Something in the API might just be flaky, Google have been having outages over the last week. I had it not working on Saturday, but working this morning. No restarts.

Possibly unconnected (didn’t try from relay first this morning) - I sent a test message from my phone to check broadcasts were working at all. After that it worked from the relay.

OK, I’m going to agree with @jymbob here.

7:30am this morning, the broadcast didn’t trigger or log on Googles side, but an immediate test from my phone worked.

I’ve just opened my front door and the broadcast has worked.
Going to add some time logging to the relay to check, but im sure this is the API being wobbly


@ghesp, I’m here in the US and I can confirm the same issues. It works sending from assist on my phone, but still nothing through node.js / assistant relay.

I will try later when i get home and yes, all commands are showing in my activity. Thanks for the help

Anything new? I have tried everything my small brain can think of. Guessing it is on the google side?

ditto. Works from typing into assist on phone. Via assistant relay requests show in My Activity log, but no audio.

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@ghesp On the Hubitat side, this is working like a champ. @ogiewon wrote a modified driver for the platform and has also added a capability to send commands without speech by adding [CC] to the front of a notification or speak command. Working to control nest secure to, “Set Nest Secure to Home and Guarding” or “Set Nest Secure to Away and Guarding”.

However, it seems to be accepted by Assistant Relay, but not executable on a specific Google Home device. For example, I can say “set kitchen speaker volume to 20%” to Google Assistant on my phone and it will adjust the volume on my mini. But if I send the command to Google Assistant Relay, the console displays

" Google Assistant: Okay
Sorry, something went wrong. When you’re ready, give it another try."

or if I send the command “set volume to 20”, it responds

"Google Assistant: Okay"

but will not change the volume of my Google Mini. Any idea if this is an API limitation or is there a limitation with what can be done via Assistant Relay?

@ghesp To clarify a little, the [CC] prefix is used to tell the driver to POST a “/custom?command=” to assistant-relay. This allows users to issue a custom command from any standard app that supports the “Speech Synthesis” capability instead of a normal POST “/customBroadcast?text=”.

[Update] Today I added the ability to use a [CCC] prefix (Custom Command with Converse) with adds the “&converse=true” to the end.

Here’s the driver @SmartHomePrimer is referring to. Just FYI

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I woud be interested on how to get the converse set to true on ST and RP.

That helped me too, thanks. I ended up going with the LTS version 8.11.3 of node.

I tried downgrading to v8.11.3 of Node and that didn’t help. Still not getting broadcasts on my end.

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I should have been more clear. Going to node v8.11.3 helped in that it allowed me to successfully install the package (which was previously complaining about compiler warnings and missing include files in gRPC). The actual part about broadcasts isn’t working for me either; it’s definitely talking to Google Assistant (activity shows up on their logs and such) but no sound comes out of my Google Home devices, same as other people are reporting above.