[OBSOLETE] GoControl Smart Wireless Light Switch Cover WA00Z-1 (see post #135 for 2023 Edge Driver)

I bought this switch and was able to update its DTH to work with the new Smarthings/smartlighting apps and support both button presses again. This DTH can be imported into the IDE from my github at mwav3 smartthingscode master or from the link below.

Some notes about the new code:
I added code to directly associate this switch with other Zwave devices. This is in the devices “preferences” section (see screenshot below). The box and manual for this talk about associations repeatedly so I figure this should support them. If you’re unfamiliar with zwave association groups, here is an excellent post from @JDRoberts explaining it FAQ: Zwave Association between 2 devices

Note about associations - they are a nice feature of Zwave. If I was using this as a virtual “3way” switch on an existing zwave 2 way switch, or a zwave smart bulb, I’d probably do a direct association on group 2. This way, if my wife came home in the dark, hit that switch, it would always turn on, regardless of whether the Smarthings hub is online, connected, underwater, whatever. That’s because the association sets up direct communication between the button controller and switch, bypassing the hub. There is a downside to that though. The smarthings hub is like a “boss” that doesn’t like being left out of the loop. So, sometimes since “the boss” doesn’t know what’s going on, the status of a device controlled by association doesn’t always update properly on the hub/app.

I added buttons 3 and 4 for double tap. One problem that I just couldn’t overcome in the code though was that a double tap still initiates a single tap. ie, when you double tap up button 1, Button 3 triggers, but button 1 also triggers. I’m sure someone could write a webcore piston that takes can discard the button 1 press if you meant only for double tap to work, so use those buttons with care. If anyone has suggestions, contributions by PR are welcome.

If you just want basic “button 1 up” and “button 2 down” functions, that will work fine. You can also do “pressed” or “held” to differentiate that. You have to use the smartlighting app or webcore though. The “automations” feature of the new smartthings app just says “button” and currently can’t differentiate between multiple buttons.

This device defaults to sending both association and central scene commands. Advanced users can change that around to support only one or the other, or both. The way the programming works though, button 1 and 2 are controlled by “central scene”, and button 3 and 4 double taps are controlled through “associations” with the hub itself.

I hope this isn’t too confusing, and if you have questions or want to report issues, please ask.

Link to code:

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