[RELEASE] Generic Video Camera DeviceType, Yes, Live Video Streaming

Have noticed some lag sometimes during testing. Not sure what, but I think its garbage collection running behind the scenes and/or a memory leak that has plagued multiTiles since release.

Makes sense, itā€™s real sporadic, seems going full screen right off the room view works. The screen will also flicker once when it will work, but will just timeout to error without flicker if it will fail.

Yeah, totally unsupported features we are using. Hopefully the more people use this, the more likely it gets polished up and improved.


I think itā€™s nearly perfect already, sure you can add more bells and whistles, and I know many of you smarter than me folks will! Now if only SmartTiles would support unsupported featuresā€¦ :cry:

Hi Patrick, i am getting a camera unavailable. copy pasted the working url from my browser into the app. Any place i can see what the error is? can see the streamhandler events etcā€¦but no indication of problems in log.

url looks like this: http://10.0.0.xxx:yy/videostream.cgi?user=USER&pwd=PWD

thanks for this very nice piece of workā€¦:slight_smile:

Just because it works in browser doesnā€™t mean it streams.

Download vlc and use the network stream option to test.

Im also getting camera unavailable. Using this link http://myusername:mypassword@myip/video.cgi (on android and iOS) Link is working in both browser and vlc
Same with this link http://myusername:mypassword@myip:80/video/mjpg.cgi
I have a rtsp link on another camera working just fine (only on android not iOS)

Make sure the http is all lowercase.

Also to help. Please provide make and model of camera.

What are you iOS folks doing as far as resolution? I am using my substream at 960 x 480, and as low as 172 x 120 and I am still getting distortion.

I am also getting occassionally ā€œThere was a problem retrieving the livestreamā€.

My Hikivision substream is rtsp://username:password@ipaddress/streaming/channel/102 (1 is the camera #, middle digit I am not sure, 2 means substream (1 I believe is mainstream).

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http is all lowercase. Camera is Dlink DCS-932L

Iā€™ve confirmed the dlink works. But not at home to confirm the url.

For dlink. Make sure you fake it out by adding . Mjpeg to the end like the example in the smartapp child shows.

Got mine all working with rtsp streams. Itā€™s a little sluggish on iOS but I take it from previous comments you know this (not your app I know)

Can I ask though, can you do anything else with it other than live view?

What do you want it to do? Itā€™s a generic Video Camera viewer. What else can all cameras do that would fit the generic label?

I donā€™t have any access to the clip / recording api. Canā€™t process the image either. So just viewing is about it.

If you want something camera specific, look for pre-built specific camera device types that incorporate this concept.

Nothing in particular, was just wondering what features were baked into your code :slight_smile: Itā€™s handy to have everything in a single app.

I really wish I could have an app that when my front door knocked it will send me an image from my camera as part of a push notification as Iā€™m partially deaf and donā€™t always hear the door.

Maybe someone will do that one day

Thanks for your work anyway :grinning:

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Does this camera work ?

I tried but it is not working

you could do a multisensor vibration to notifications pretty easy, then just open up the app and view the live feed.

No idea, does it have an rtsp stream feed?

i donā€™ think so. i tried in vlc it is not working.

Edit: i google the model and i got this for that camera


Models Type Protocol Path Audio Talk Model Cookies Flags
FFMPEG rtsp:// /user=admin_password=tlJwpbo6_channel=1_stream=0.sdp Possible None

i had it working in minutes on the trendnet 310 and a vivotek camera.
Didnā€™t even need to watch the video or read instructions.

Pretty cool. Thanks.

Only one question before I investigate furtherā€¦ whilst I can video live video, I am assuming the ST monitor canā€™t capture video on the alarm trigger.