I’ve been looking for a while to encorporate these with the ST_Anything code by @ogiewon. It seemed so perfect. The board is already right next to my window…why not add a contact sensor to it? Why buy a whole other sensor when I can by a cheap hardwired contact sensor and hardwired motion sensor and wire them to my board. I’m not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination but I know more than the average bear so I gave it a try. And after many failed attempts, I’ve finally come up with a sketch that seems to work with the NoceMCU and Wemos boards. It allows you to use both the ST_Anything functionality along with the servo controlled blinds. I have an example sketch which only uses two of the capabilities of ST_Anything, but you get the idea. Now, there’s probably a lot of extra stuff in here I could clean up but when I started to the sketch would no longer compile, so I figured, if it ain’t broke…