Thanks for posting! I followed RBOY’s steps and opted to leave the sliders in place instead of the up/down controls. I am able to display humidity and battery perfectly in the App for one of my ct100’s. Looks like it auto-sets the clock as well (looking at the activity log).
On my other ct100, the clock auto-sets but… the humidity and battery tiles were each displaying a pair of hyphens ("–"). The only difference I can see between the two ct100’s are in the Device List. One shows Status as INACTIVE and the other shows as ACTIVE. The one showing Status as INACTIVE displays the pair of hyphens for battery and humidity. After closing the App and terminating it a couple times, the Humidity started to display correctly on the device that had appeared as INACTIVE. Checking the Device LIst, again, both ct100’s now appear as ACTIVE.
Since I’m mainly interested in Humidity, its not a big issue getting Battery to display correctly for the 2nd ct100, but am curious if I’m missing something.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and thanks again for posting the improved code!