[DEPRECATED] EchoSistant Evolved ~ Amazon Echo's Only Assistant with Robust Scheduling and Flexible Reporting

@SKY to echo what Jason just said… I am pretty sure that Alexa translates SK as ‘ask Key’ or some other odd interpretation. If you don’t see anything in the ST ide logs for EchoSistant, that is your confirmation that Alexa is confused by your invocation phrase…

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Wow this looks awesome! can’t wait for the weekend to come so I may mess around with setting this little gem up (no time until then). Well done Gents!!!


Thank you! We are just as hyped up about the new version that we will share very soon. :smile: I would hold off installing v4. I suggest getting your Amazon account set up and familiarize yourself with the process, but wait until new version is out. It would offer a simpler installation process (still not an easy one, but a lot better than folks who suffered through the previous installation process and maintenance)…

Thanks for the kind words. It’s greatly appreciated!

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@SBDOBRESCU great advice, will do.

@bamarayne All of your work is greatly appreciated.


I selected my hue lights for the dimmers and colored ligths.

here’s the log for lights control:
I say “it is too dark in the saloon” , it is getting it as “it is too dog in the sally”

91029929-abdd-4311-bc29-8a629ac284c0 12:13:59 AM: warn childRelease = Profile: R.0.3.4
98279111-bfb3-4a23-9fcb-83e9465a0fc2 12:13:59 AM: warn command = undefined
98279111-bfb3-4a23-9fcb-83e9465a0fc2 12:13:59 AM: warn Delete messages = null
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace Restoring volume to 30
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace sonosAction(SetAVTransportURI, AVTransport, /MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control, [InstanceID:0, CurrentURI:https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-media/polly-tts/salli/it_is_to_dog.mp3, CurrentURIMetaData:])
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace Setting sound track: https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-media/polly-tts/salli/it_is_to_dog.mp3
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace volume = 20
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace sonosAction(GetVolume, RenderingControl, /MediaRenderer/RenderingControl/Control, [InstanceID:0, Channel:Master])
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace setLocalLevel(20)
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace sonosAction(Stop, AVTransport, /MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control, [InstanceID:0, Speed:1])
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: trace Stopping and setting level to 20
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:20:06 AM: debug playTrackAndResume(https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-media/polly-tts/salli/it_is_to_dog.mp3, 0, 20)

and here’s the log for sending a message :

98279111-bfb3-4a23-9fcb-83e9465a0fc2 12:16:54 AM: warn command = undefined
98279111-bfb3-4a23-9fcb-83e9465a0fc2 12:16:54 AM: warn Delete messages = null
91029929-abdd-4311-bc29-8a629ac284c0 12:16:54 AM: warn childRelease = Profile: R.0.3.4
sonos on saloon
900010d7-bedb-4352-a2cf-dc03c88c84ca 12:16:55 AM: trace Setting sound track: https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-media/polly-tts/salli/hello.mp3

Ok. This tells us that your install is fine.
Most likely Alexa isn’t hearing you correctly due to an accent.

no but it understands when I say “tell saloon hello”
why do you think it gets “it is too dark in the saloon” as “it is too dog in the sally”

and if we leave the accent aside, it does not respond correctly on AWS test page.
it gives the following response to “this is a test of the saloon profile”

“response”: {
“outputSpeech”: {
“type”: “PlainText”,
“text”: “”
“card”: {
“content”: “”,
“title”: “EchoSistant Free Text”,
“type”: “Simple”
“shouldEndSession”: true
“sessionAttributes”: {}

Please send a screen shot of the live logs for exhausted and the profile. I need to see those logs in their entirety.

But, to answer your question, the mp3 that is playing is what Alexa heard. Check your Alexa app and you will see they are the same. EchoSistant does not capture, translate, or record any audio. It only passes the data to where it needs to go.

Please post the logs in screenshot form. Or you can pm me if that makes you more comfortable

Just a reminder, we need your feedback. The result of this poll, will decide how much change we bring into the new version…If the result is less than 2, we will move forward with the ‘nuclear’ option of asking everyone to uninstall the current version of EchoSistant to start fresh with EchoSistant v5. It is a decision that Jason and I understand how time consuming it might be for some users. Between the two of us, we are pushing 100 Profiles, and that is a lot of rework. But we believe it is for the better!

I will . But what do you mean by “for the exhausted and the profile” ?

Sorry, typo.

Live logs for EchoSistant and the profile.

I have several devices and smart apps. So if I don’t filter out live logs it might be missing something.
Which devices/apps should I filter for ?


Trying to use “Peter” for name:

check in
"text": "Sorry, you must first set up your profile before trying to execute it., try again? "

"text": " how may I help you? "

I did:
Created a Peter in AWS. (Invocation Name: peter; “intent”: “Peter”,
Created a Peter Profiles in EchoSistant smart app
Select “Activate Virtual Person and Actions” --> click "Tap Her to Create the Virtual Person Device ~ 'Peter’
Then I can view Peter as a Thing in Smartthings app
Also, Select Peter as “Allow These Presence Sensors(s)…” within “Main home Control” in EchoSistant app.

Living Logging in IDE when check in and Peter as above.

12:22:49 PM: warn Delete messages = null
12:22:49 PM: warn childRelease = Profile: R.0.3.4
12:22:28 PM: warn Delete messages = null
12:22:28 PM: warn childRelease = Profile: R.0.3.4

ok… I’m out of town right now, but I’m going to work on this and figure it out. I’ll let you know was soon as I do

Make sure you add the name Peter to the LIST_OF_DEVICES in your main intent.

Just trying. It is working now. Thanks for your support.

should I also add “saloon” to the LIST_OF_DEVICES of main intent ?

Any virtual person you create must be added. The names of your profiles do not have to be added.