[OBSOLETE] Dome Siren (Official)


A new handler was written for this device, but if you decide to use it with an existing device then you MUST remove the device, delete this handler, install/publish the new handler, and add the device again.

Information on the new handler can be found here:


The new version of the handler doesn’t have the delayed alarm related features so if you’re happy with the functionality in this handler then you should continue using it.



This is the Official device handler for the Dome Siren (Model: DMS01)



Alarm Features:

  • 5 Sounds

  • 3 Volumes

  • Optional LED

  • Customizable Duration (30 Seconds - Until Battery is Depleted)

  • Optional Alarm Delay with Optional Beeping (Off, 15 Seconds - 90 Seconds)

  • Alarm Delay works with Smart Home Monitor or you can execute the Alarm both command. The Alarm siren command bypasses the delay and turns the siren on immediately.

Chime Features

  • 10 Chime Sounds

  • 3 Volumes

  • Optional LED

  • Optional Repeat (1 - 20)

  • Optional Chime LED

  • Setup Custom Monitors in Smart Home Monitor to play different sounds based events. (Use the Audio Notification section and choose a Notification from the list or choose “Custom Message” and enter the name. Examples: bell2, chime3, siren1)

See the Using the Dome Siren with SmartThings manual for more information about this device handler and detailed installation instructions. It also has step-by-step instructions for setting up custom notifications with SHM and Speaker Notify with Sound.


Hi @krlaframboise,

Quick question? When setting up the siren to chime when a contact sensor opens (as their documentation outlines on p.6), why would I also receive a notification on my phone when it’s not configured? As you can see, text and push notifications isn’t set up:


So instead of using a custom SHM rule to chime when a contact opens, I used the Smartapp from the Market called “Speaker Notify with Sound”. Set up was almost identical, and it works the same - except my phone no longer gets the notification message

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That’s what I was going to suggest.

Hi @krlaframboise, how about including the battery % in the main tile, like this: ( I tweaked the tile layout for my liking to settle down my OCD…)

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If you’re using this as an audio device in SHM and/or Speaker Notify with Sound you should update to version 1.1.4 ASAP.

Will do. What problems does this fix that you found?

EDIT: saw the change log.

In case anyone else is wondering:

If you’re using the device with the audio feature in SHM or Speaker Notify with sound, the sound you choose gets passed through amazon’s TTS service and a url gets sent to the device handler.

The DTH has to strip out the url portion to determine the sound name being played, but it was doing that by looking for a specific url.

For the first time in over a year, the url changed yesterday which ended up making all the sounds default to the first sound.

The DTH no longer looks for a hard coded url so it won’t happen again in the future.

For the life of me, I cannot get this to work. I’ve installed the device handler per the “Using the Dome Siren with SmartThings” documentation, but every time I try to add it to my SmartThings Hub it comes up as a “Z-Wave Switch”.

I have other devices using custom device handlers and they work just fine.

Any advice?

Go to the IDE, find the device in My Devices, and then change Type to the device handler you created. Technically when you add the siren, and you have the DTH installed and published before adding the device, it should use the right DTH.


That worked. Thanks!

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Make sure you go into the device settings in the mobile app and tap done so that the default configuration settings get applied.

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I know you’re all set, but can you open the device from the IDE and post what’s shown in the Raw description field?

I had to use 2 fingerprints for the Dome Door Sensor because it changed between versions so I want to verify that the raw description hasn’t changed in the latest version of the siren.

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This is what it shows:
zw:F type:1005 mfr:021F prod:0003 model:0088 ver:2.80 zwv:4.34 lib:06 cc:5E,86,72,5A,73,70,85,59,25,71,87,80 role:07 ff:8F00 ui:8F00

This siren will only play the preprogrammed sounds built into the device, correct? Recently picked one up and tried sending the “barking dog” but the siren just played a chime instead…

Correct. The device comes with 10 sounds which have been mapped to the items in that list to make it easier to use with SHM.

The options that don’t have a logical sound to map with, like Barking Dog, default to Alarm 1.

How do I use my own MP3?

You can’t.

Maybe you’re thinking of the aeotec doorbell.

This device can only play the sounds it comes with.

The only similar device I’m aware of that can play MP3s is the Aeon Labs Doorbell, but it’s not loud of enough to be a siren, the mp3s are limited to 20 seconds, and there’s a 1-3 second delay before the sound plays.