[RELEASE] cast-web v1.2.1 - Chromecast Integration (EDGE Driver discussion begins in post 1668)

Are Someone able to do a step by step guide how to do this… Thank you…


I am also having this same issue. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times over the course of a few months. Every devices shows “checking status”, all but 1 show grayed out. That last one shows that it’s playing something, but that is untrue. It is NOT playing something currently. When that 1 device is playing something, it shows what is playing, but when the sound is off, it still shows as playing.

The rest, show nothing, make the noise when changing the volume, then reverts back.

Note tho: They are working since I can have Webcore cause them to say something. It is maybe something to do with a time out or status update or something?

I followed the steps (https://smarthomepursuits.com/how-to-make-google-speak-using-smartthings-automations/) and managed to add all google devices (and grouped speakers too) on the SmartThings New app. Test API connection is also showing Connected OK:200.

Problems: I could not change the volume of the Google devices (I have Google Hub, Google mini), cannot turn on or off, or do anything. Even when Spotify is playing, I cannot see it in ST.

Error message: a network or server error occurred. Try again later.

Please help.


Yes… The problem i have is how to update/install Google tts API on the raspberry …

I had it Up and running for several Monty, but the tts stopped working…

Hi, when i sudo nano castWebApi.js there is nothing inside it s like empty. Also when i ls the dir, i dont see the file. Where can i get the content of the castWebApi.js please ?

Can you help me with more detailed instructions? How do I change dependency and update/install google api node?

Hi, i’ve setup a mac running the desktop server. When i’m on the st app and doing a discovery i’m seeing 0 cast devices being discovered. I can browse from my phone to the cast-web-api-desktop. when i browse to it i see:

[{“id”:“0f0e46c824f16df0d3bd48d17187b392”,“name”:“Basement Chromecast”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:6,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“57f3b519e3257d0c303687f8d32f74dd”,“name”:“Main Bedroom Chromecast”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:92,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“c56722bebbc15f9eba2522ad9247259b”,“name”:“Living Room Display”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:62,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“23dc1a0c9c841136c8bf1d12a672c42c”,“name”:“Kitchen Display”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:90,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“0fa29ab05735bdfc4857c86bf56a189d”,“name”:“Livingroom Cast Speaker”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:76,“muted”:false,“application”:"",“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:[“AD5B85AB-FB88-4579-A62D-A9A48B9EFAAD”],“members”:},{“id”:“6235faf3d2b2b202d4c57bb3ac484b94”,“name”:“Outside Chromecast”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:100,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“e057b3c7829fc8555caa21dd9f117fa0”,“name”:“Basement speaker”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:31,“muted”:false,“application”:"",“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:[“AD5B85AB-FB88-4579-A62D-A9A48B9EFAAD”],“members”:},{“id”:“AD5B85AB-FB88-4579-A62D-A9A48B9EFAAD”,“name”:“ttl house”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:32138,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:54,“muted”:false,“application”:"",“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:[“0fa29ab05735bdfc4857c86bf56a189d”,“e057b3c7829fc8555caa21dd9f117fa0”]},{“id”:“53920094ab204ca3d5561aea5c9e540f”,“name”:“Den Google hub”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:51,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“f168185fcb0147cf412ced62258a1398”,“name”:“Master Bedroom Display”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:45,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:},{“id”:“f60731afd1ee62c3a65b64b49aac607a”,“name”:“Frontdoor Display”,“connection”:“connected”,“address”:{“port”:8009,“host”:“”},“sessionId”:null,“status”:{“groupPlayback”:false,“volume”:60,“muted”:false,“application”:“Backdrop”,“status”:"",“title”:"",“subtitle”:"",“image”:""},“groups”:,“members”:}]

any thoughts on why im unable to discover anthing?

I am having the same issue. It will time out and then if I back out of the app it will sometimes just hang up. After stopping smart things and going back in, it sometimes will show the devices it found, but then I can’t do anything with them.

At one point, I had it find one of the devices, and I could select it. But when moving the sound up and down, it would make the chime on the speaker, and then hourglass.

I am thinking that there is something that isn’t working with the new version of smart things, and this was basically made for the classic app. Doesn’t seem to be any support at all anymore.

I have had this working for years now. I bought google wifi and the ip address changed from 10.0.0.x to 192.168.86.x. I changed the ip address in the cast web service manager and in the config.json file in the /home/pi/assistant-relay-2.1.1/server/configurations folder but when I run the audio cast-web-cli start it shows the 10.0.0.x:8080 address. Do I need to change another file on the pi to change this?

Same issue here - Android installation just seems to be completely broken. Has anybody found a way to get it working?

I am having an issue with the setup. I got the DTH and Smartapp installed. Got the Cast-Web-Api GUI installed and running.

In the Cast web - service manager smartapp, I was able to configure the web API, test the API connection and got the Connected OK:200. When I tapped on Discover Devices… I see all my Cast Device listed. The problem is when I select anyone on them, it takes me to a blank screen with a “Next” option. Tapping on that gives “We’re having trouble connecting. Check your network connection and try again.” I hit OK and Next. Give me that message again… and again… then the app freezes. Tried this on both an android (Galaxy S20 Ultra) and apple phone (8S Plus).

Nothing I can do fixes this. I cannot add any devices. Please help.

When I go to myip:3000/assistant/ I see this:

I’ve gone through the setup and authorized, put in the oath auth code and everything. I can’t get the cast-web-api to show up as a speaker. All it does is show up as a random device on ST.

On the smartapp, tapping on “setup the google assitant with cast-web to broadcast messages” leads me to another screen that just has the “next” button. when tapping that it says “we’re having trouble connecting. check your network connection and try again”. Is anyone having similar issues?

vervalIsweg. On an unrelated topic (sorry new at this) I need help. I have managed to get cast-web (v1.2.0) up and running and have my Google home showing up in ST. I have manged to write a script in webcore to get my google home to say something when a switch is activated. However I set the “use Google’s TTS voice?” to true and choose a “Google TTs language” to En-US which I assume is English and I get the “bleep” on the Google home device but no spoken words. Then in ST Settings I set the “use Google’s TTS voice?” to false and leave the “Google TTS language” as En-US and then the Google home speaks what I want it to say but in a foreign language i.e. Not english. Can anyone help me please.


Pre-install question :
Can cast web retrieve the state of a google home device ?

(i have devices that are installed in google home and working great. I cannot install these devices inside ST because of no compatibility).So i am loking for a workaround. Virtual switches will work fine with cast webto trigger the device and execute it. BUt about the state of the device i am not sure if its possible.

Thank YOU

Anyone else having issues when casting using Groups? The past week or two when a piston runs that’s supposed to play on one of my cast Groups devices, it doesn’t work; however, everything works if I change it to the individual cast devices.

I tried searching through the 1500 replies but couldn’t find a response. Can I run this API in a docker container on a QNAP Server? This is my only machine running 24/7. It’s where HomeBridge lives. Help.

Is this thread dead or is there another place to get help? I don’t see any replies to anything posted for a couple of months. It appears there is an app issue with the new app. A lot of the same issues from several users. I’ve been using this since 2018 and now it just stopped working. Whatever I do does not work. I even donated to the project.

This thread isn’t dead, but we won’t be seeing the author again unfortunately. So we only have advanced users to rely on for advice, unless someone else wants to take it over. But would you want to work on something that only has 6 months left to live? We don’t even know exactly, Samsung have never been clear, so your questions should really be directed at them about why some developers now have “zero motivation” to maintain their integrations on this platform, and have left.
I have cast-web running on a Raspberry Pi for a few years now, it’s possibly one of the most stable integrations I’ve used, everything just works. Casting music/announcements to individual speakers or groups, also Broadcasting.
With the recent release of some Nest product integration our only hope is that Samsung decide to do the same for the Google speakers ( which the author said would be easy for them if they really wanted, and I quote “I mean building Chromecast support is trivial. You need tls/protobuf. That’s it, they just never wanted to do it”). But as Samsung don’t even support their own speakers (but they do Bose and Sonos?!) I don’t hold out much hope.


How do you change the polling interval of the actual group device?

Thx for the reply. I think my problems started when I upgraded to V1.2.0. I would like to go back to an older version to see if that works. If anyone has a raw older version of the smart app and device handlers they can share it would be greatly appreciated.