[OBSOLETE] Aeon Labs Multifunction Siren

I’m not sure if there’s any performance improvement when things are running locally because I’m using all custom device handlers and SmartApps, but when SmartThings is working properly, some things execute almost instantly.

When the hub loses connection to SmartThings due to a power failure or internet issues, you won’t be able to control anything through the Mobile App.

If you’re using SmartLighting to turn the siren on when a contact sensor opens, the siren’s not going to turn on when there’s no connection unless the siren and the contact sensor can run locally.

I am using Smart Alarm and was using Rule Machine to make my siren beep during the delay on exit and entry to warn me the alarm is armed or going to arm. I am unable to get Rule Machine to work any longer. Does someone know how to get this to work using CoRE or other way? I am using the custom beep type for Aeon Device type.

I helped you with the original configuration and you’re using an iris keypad with it, right?

If that’s the case, the only part that rule machine did was monitor the entry/exit door and start the beep delayed alarm when it was opened while armed.

Yes Thanks, but how do I get it to work without Rule Machine. Strange that it worked then just stopped.

In CoRE, if you select the device from the Audio Notifications list, you can enter the line below for the message using the “Play Text” command. (replace the arguments with numbers and the duration and delay are in seconds)

delayedAlarm(sound, volume, duration, delay)

The piston would be a Simple IF contact changes to open and Location Smart Alarm Status = Armed (away) THEN using Siren …

That’s probably not exactly what it would look like, but something similar to it.

OK I am not sure if we are speaking the same language just kidding!

  1. need siren to beep as delay is running when arming
  2. Need siren to beep as delay when entering when alarm is armed.

My problem is I can’t find the proper steps.
I started by creating Piston #2 or should I have used Piston 1.

I wasn’t sure of the type “Basic” etc. then I couldn’t find the audio section. As you can see I am lost.

If I remember correctly, the beeping when you arm the system was handled by Smart Alarm so unless you changed that, it should still be working.

The only part that couldn’t be done in Smart Alarm, was making it beep for 30 seconds before sounding the alarm so you only need to have one piston.

For the IF part of the piston you should select the contact sensor as the device and use contact changes to open. You should then add another IF item, choose Location instead of a device and choose Smart Home Monitor and then choose “is” and “Armed(away)”.

For the THEN part of the piston you should choose the device from the “Audio Notification” section. After choosing the device and clicking done on the next screen, it will take you near the bottom of a page with a lot of settings. If you scroll to the top of the page, you’ll be able to Add a Task which would be “Play Text” and then enter the message I mentioned a couple of posts ago.

My lunch is over so I won’t be able to respond again until tonight, but if you take a look at the CoRE documentation, things should make more sense.

I never changed anything in Smart Alarm, but yet the beeping doesn’t work, as you can see.

I somehow got beep on entry to work, but the beep on arming still not working, which is as it was when we set it up. Take a look tonight if you are able. As you see trigger 2 has problem Thanks.

Are you on the latest version of the DTH?

If SmartThings is still having problems with TTS, that could also explain why it’s not working.

I am using DTH 1.8.3 for the Aeon Siren I think that is the latest taken from this thread. I still think I have the CoRE screwed up. I also had some problems where SA showed armed while SHM and everyplace else said disarmed including IRIS. Could be TTS, but never got a email saying it was fixed from yesterday.

UPDATE: OK exit beeping works, but not sure if it is because I updated DTH entry also works. I have removed CoRE and all works fine again. It had to be the DTH. Even the light flashes on entry now. Thanks for the help. The simple answer was I should have realized I didn’t have an updated DTH. Is there a way to know? I can do it with Smart Apps by checking for updates.

I increment the version number of all releases so if you were already on 1.8.3, updating the DTH shouldn’t have made a difference.

The SmartThings Status page still has the TTS problem message up and I think SmartAlarm passes custom audio messages through TTS instead of directly to the device handler so if it stops working again, that’s most likely the reason.

The device handler can be updated through GitHub Integration the same way as a SmartApp.

Owner: krlaframboise
Name: SmartThings
Branch: master

If you’re using GitHub Integration, but your SmartApps/Device Handlers aren’t changing color when there’s a new version, you most likely still have Rule Machine setup for GitHub Integration and deleting it from the settings page will solve that problem.

OK so what you are saying is remove Rule Machine and try to use CoRE, even with it working now?

Nope. I just meant that if you’ve setup GitHub integration and it’s not letting you know when new versions of your device handlers and/or SmartApps are available, removing Rule Machine from the GitHub integration should fix that.

OK thanks did that looks better now.

I have following problem and seeking the fix

  • Item : Aeon Labs Multifunction Siren v 1.8.4
    (Aeon Labs Siren - Model:ZW080-A17)

  • Error while creating “From Code” option

No signature of method: script1473577960797710825918.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script1473577960797710825918$_run_closure1) values: [script1473577960797710825918$_run_closure1@254b9aff] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)

  • What is the fix ?..


  • Item : Aeon Labs Multifunction Siren v 1.8.4
    (Aeon Labs Siren - Model:ZW080-A17)

  • Source code reference :

  • Error while creating “From Code” option

No signature of method: script1473577960797710825918.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script1473577960797710825918$_run_closure1) values: [script1473577960797710825918$_run_closure1@254b9aff] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)

  • What is the fix ?..

It looks like you’re trying to install this device handler in the “My SmartApps” section of the IDE instead of “My Device Handlers” section.

Thanks…Device is installed under My Devices as aeon siren with network ID as 2 . I could also test it . But then how do I use it on my Android Phone with other features such as other settings ex: Audio etc…?..It does not offer any audio choices


Device handlers only allow you to interact with the device so all other functionality needs to be performed in a SmartApp.

See the post below for instructions on using the device handler with Smart Home Monitor and the SmartApp Speaker Notify with Sound.