[OBSOLETE] Aeon Labs Multifunction Siren

You shouldn’t have to install the device handler again unless you deleted it through the IDE. If you did, you can go to the page with the code, click the raw button, and then copy everything on that page. Then go into the “My Device Types” section of the IDE, create a new device type handler by pasting the code into the From Code tab, and then publish it.

If you already have the device type handler installed, then try to get the device within a few feet of the hub and press the action button at least twice during the pairing process.

Opening Live Logging in the IDE before trying to pair it might generate some log messages that will shed some light on why it’s not working.

If you haven’t removed this DTH, you could try removing it to see if it pairs and functions with the default DTH. If it works you should be able to switch it back to my DTH, open and save the settings screen in the Mobile App and see if it continues to work.

If you were having problems from the start, it could be a faulty unit which seems to be happening to a lot of users lately.

If you don’t care about its secure command and repeating functionality, you might be better off returning it and getting the Dome Siren. The biggest drawback is that it only runs on batteries.

I’ve created a device handler for it, but I haven’t had a chance to build any of the repeating beep functionality yet.