( co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
Thanks for the feedback, everyone…
“Customizability” is the obvious desire of customers using a dashboard panel panel builder. The challenge is two-fold:
Some abilities are difficult to implement and/or difficult to implement in a user-friendly way. Too much complexity adds clutter really quickly.
Providing limited pre-determined Themes and Icons, etc., is an interim measure until we can offer a leap in magnitude (eg. huge icon libraries that can be used with any Tile, or uploadable, or ?). But limited icon choices is also just what SmartThings offers. In selecting the icons, it’s impossible to please everyone, and to avoid analysis paralysis, we rather just offer our best shot.
It will keep getting better!
( co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
Of course we know that AT need a greater variety of icons. We are working to improve this.
Acquiring a good selection of relevant icons that have the appropriate license and matching style is challenging. I made quiet a few icons myself, but it’s seriously time consuming.
(The Viking AKA "Holy Crap You're a Giant!")
Thanks for reaching out Alex. It’s nice to have a responsive support team for an application we use daily.
Would it be possible to add a function within SmartTiles that would allow uploading of custom icons, or linking icon libraries from a predetermined site? Even having a defined set of icons, as AT currently has, that are your standards with the option to enable the expanded icon set could be an option.
( co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
We are exploring various options and sources for icon libraries and the optimal way(s) to integrate into ActionTiles.
We’re obviously aware of font-awesome, as that was our source for SmartTiles icons .
Customization options (icons, colors, fonts, …) Features are an ongoing part of the continuous improvement cycle of ActionTiles. A lot of this work is in progress, and specific Topics can be browsed, voted upon, and followed at
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( co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
ActionTiles runs in any “contemporary” browser, so we try to be OS and hardware agnostic.
However, we have Customers expressing a lot of love for the Fully browser for Android.
After lurking in the dark for several years, searching for a good place, gear and dashboard solution, I finally pulled the trigger! Got my first iOS device in a long time and installed my first dashboard. @625alex , @tgauchat thanks for all the hard work…
I had no idea that there was a Fountain icon in AT. I have a fountain that is powered by a smart plug…and I guess, since AT sees it as a switch, instead of a valve, I don’t get the option to use the fountain Icon. Is there any way to spoof AT into letting me access the fountain icon?
I was reading your previous posts about intents and things like Spotify…would you be able to help me get a Spotify tile up and running for actiontiles. I’m looking to be able to tap the tile and start a playlist or something like that if that is possible. I’m using Fully Kiosk on my Fire 8 HD
The Spotify intent “url” is: intent:#Intent;launchFlags=0x10000000;;end
That just opens up the Spotify app though. If you want to actually go to a specific playlist, you may be able to change the last part from “.MainActivity” to something else. That’s just a theory though. I haven’t actually tried.
EDIT: I tried a ton of different things, instead of “.MainActivity” and nothing worked for Spotify. I remain convinced there is a way…I just haven’t found it yet. Let me know if you have any luck.
The post you made with all the intents on the AT side, if looking at it in portrait mode, the urls are all cut off at the end, and if you switch it to landscape, most of the urls are shown in their entirety with the exception of a few. Just thought I would throw this out there for ya, so you don’t receive 50 more questions about those urls. Only see that issue with posts in the AT forum. Maybe post them out here.
It’s a never ending debate about binary sensors and actuators. Technically a valve can be treated as a switch, but your device should really announce the Valve capability.
Thanks for the heads up. The formatting seems fine on the Actiontiles forum, when I look at it on my PC. It must just be how it is rendering on mobile.
Regardless, here they are, formatted nicely for the SmartThings forum:
In my case the Valve capability of “Open or closed” doesn’t really make sense. The fountain is either on or off.
At the moment it’s plugged into a Wemo plug, which unfortunately means I can’t change the device handler. Once Xmas lights come down, I could swap it out for a Zwave or a Zigbee plug, and mess with device handlers though. Any recommendations either way?
True but is water flowing or not? So to be “standard” its a valve open/close. You can modify your device handler pretty easily, add in the valve capability and each time there is a On update the valve properties to “open” and for off “closed” without making any other changes. That should let AT see it how you want. If you need help just list the current device type, I’m sure someone (or myself) can whip out a modified one in a couple minutes.