[OBSOLETE 1.1.12 3/13/2017] Big Talker - Talk when events occur

After over a year in development, I am finally about to graduate BigTalker 2.0 from development to release.

If you would like to test it before that, head on over to the BigTalker 2.0 development discussion thread.

I would also welcome anyone that would like to help document BigTalker 2.0 installation, usage instructions, usage scenario’s,etc to post on the ThingsThatAreSmart Wiki. I am not good with Wiki’s at all! Currently, the information is just sprinkled throughout the 2.0 development thread.

With BigTalker 2.0, it is now a Parent/Child app structure to allow for more scheduling ability, grouping scenario’s (rooms) and much more, so you must install both the parent and the child. When saving the code, you publish the parent and save the child (don’t publish the child to prevent confusion when looking at available apps in the SmartThings Marketplace > My Apps).

2.0 will be a replacement (not an upgrade) for the BigTalker 1.x release branch.

Raw Code:
Parent App (P2.0b4) (link)

Child App (C2.0b5) (link)

GitHub Integration Settings:

  • Owner: rayzurbock
  • Name: SmartThings-BigTalker
  • Branch: development
    I highly recommend using Update from Repo twice. Once with just the parent app checked as well as publish. The second time with just the child app checked and publish NOT checked.
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