Push notification if there is motion when I am not present

Push notification if there is motion when I am not present! Like when I am not present, and there are motion, then give me a notification.
My motion sense is on the desk and I want know if there any one who take things on my dest.

If you wanted to be notified when there is motion when you are away (and ST is in away mode):

1.Go to your dashboard in the app.
2.Go to the Motion section.
3. Tap on the Gear Icon
4.Tap on the specific sensor
5. Tap on Get Notified When There is Activity
6. Make Sure Push Notification is on
7. Under only when mode is select Away Mode
8. Tap Done

With this set, any time there is motion and ST is in away mode, you will be notified


this works although it has several steps. I first thought maybe someone will make a action.