Properties for Sylvania Lights

I have purchased a few Sylvania lights from Lowes. Got the update to my hub and they are working great. I have can lights in my entry and hall that are on separate wall switches. I have written a simple App that when the Front Foyer light is turned on, the other lamps in the attached hallway are subscribed to it, so they turn on with it. (I can still control the other hall lamps by themselves as well, without affecting the Foyer light). All is good!

But then I decided that I wanted to be able to dim the Front Foyer light and have the other Hall lamps dim with it. However, I can not find anything telling me what actions the bulbs expose in regards to dimming. I have tried setLevel(x) and can not get the lamps to dim or even setLevel(99) and the lamps do not turn on. Is there something I am missing that shows all of the exposed methods and properties of Zigbee Dimmer device?


You can use this code to help you:

Hope it helps,

Thank you for the code. It was very similar to what I was writing. But even using yours directly, It still does not dim. I think it is something to do with the Sylvania,

Here is the code I just tried, i am lost

preferences {
	section("Select a Master Light...") {
		input "Master", "capability.switchLevel", multiple: false
	section("Other Lights") {
		input "switches1", "capability.switchLevel", multiple: true

def installed()
	subscribe(Master, "switch.on", TurnOnHandler)
	subscribe(Master, "", TurnOffHandler)
	subscribe(Master, "switch.setLevel", DimmerHandler)

def updated()
	subscribe(Master, "switch.on", TurnOnHandler)
	subscribe(Master, "", TurnOffHandler)
	subscribe(Master, "switch.setLevel", DimmerHandler)

def TurnOnHandler(evt) {

def TurnOffHandler(evt) {
def DimmerHandler(evt) {
	//def level = evt.value.toFloat()
    //int level = Master.level "switchSetLevelHandler Event: ${level}"


@scott here is the other thread on the Sylvania lights and some individual have these lights working and dimming and mine works, so I don’t know why your won’t? Do you have them set as Zigbee Dimmer?