Problems with HTTPS calls going through Cloudflare

sure ! here it is :

def podParams = [
//uri: “”,
uri: “”,
//uri: “”,
//path: “/chart”,
tlsVersion: “TLSv1.1”,
contentType: ‘image/gif’,
query: [ cht: “lc”, chd: zl, chs: “400x250”, chof: “png”, chxt: “x,y”, chxl: “0:|-24hr|-18hr|-12hr|-6hr|now”, chco: “00FF00,0000FF”, chtt: “Traffic”, chts:“AAAAAA,15”, chxr:“1,0,”+(maxx10)+“,”+(10aralik),]
//log.debug " podParams = $podParams"
httpGet(podParams) { resp →

btw, it works when I use googleapis

looks ok not sure about that last comma in the quiry.
i cant see any log on credentails?
you say googleapis works it, it works without the /chart ?
what do you mean it works (why dont you use that)?

maybe double (") insted of single (')

have you tryed httpPost insted of httpGet?

there’s no credentials. it is a public chart API.
GoogleAPis work but its graphs are not as good as image-charts.
So I’d like to be able to use it if I can solve the cloudflare issue.
also, it works with /chart added to URI or externally given as a path.

tried it now but didn’T make any difference.

yes but no difference.

im running out of ideas
have you tryed http insted of https?
have you roled back you code, to pre the issues to make sure no other tweek/testing has broken it?
does any one else have this issue?
have you tried building the quiry in postman, in chrome its an app you can use to build a test http requets and see the responses?

http instead of https works but the site does not support it. I just tried it with the site owner.
this is simply an issue on cloudflare and most of you could solve it with the tls version parameter but it did not work for me…

mihome (my site owners) did do some tinkering at there end as well, might have been a dual issue.

i sent this to mihome
check out this article
Cloudflare Support

you may want to disable this functionality for the section of your domain that hosts your API.

I would be contacting (who ever that is) and asking them to try the above fix, or get in contact with cloudfiar to investagate

I am already in contact with image-charts owner. but here’s his last response:

I just had cloudflare, they don’t want to do anything even if we know now that it’s related with them. They ask us to ask Samsung Smartthings to update their java version so it will work as we’ve both seen on online forums (and indeed, it’s a good security practice to do so, so you might give it a try and contact them).

I’m really sorry that we can’t go further on our side but I agree with them, the easiest thing is that Samsung Smartthings update their java version

haaaaaa, i think weve done all we can

Setting the tlsVersion parameter has not solved this issue. We are back to sending requests via HTTP instead of HTTPS. Hopefully SmartThings can help me and the others that seem to be having the same issues.

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