Presentation:device-config:generate returns an error


I’m getting the following error when trying to generate device config

smartthings.exe presentation:device-config:generate SmartThings-smartthings-ZLL_RGBW_Bulb
    Error: Request failed with status code 500: {"requestId":"D5326E5D-2EC2-4981-8B20-D1E47EDF74B2","error":{"code":"UnexpectedError","message":"A non-recoverable error condition

However, presentation works fine:

smartthings.exe presentation SmartThings-smartthings-ZLL_RGBW_Bulb SmartThings
Basic Information
β”‚ Presentation ID   β”‚ SmartThings-smartthings-ZLL_RGBW_Bulb β”‚
β”‚ Manufacturer Name β”‚ SmartThings                           β”‚
β”‚ Icon URL          β”‚                                       β”‚

Dashboard States
β”‚ Label            β”‚ Alternatives β”‚ Group β”‚
β”‚ {{switch.value}} β”‚ 2            β”‚       β”‚

I tried several other devices and observed the same behavior.
What am I missing?


smartthings.exe presentation:device-config:generate ID

where ID is the profile id (or legacy DTH id)), not the name of the presentation.
You have to generata a profile or DTH before executing this command.

smartthings.exe presentation SmartThings-smartthings-ZLL_RGBW_Bulb SmartThings

shows the predefined presentation created by SmartThings company.


Do you want to create a β€œcopy” of this presentation to use it in Edge drivers?

If so, you need to add the JSON flag to this command:

smartthings.exe presentation SmartThings-smartthings-ZLL_RGBW_Bulb SmartThings -j

This way, you’ll see which capabilities are included in each view and check if some properties were modified.
Then, you have to generate your presentation by sending the profile ID (found in the device list properties when your device is installed). Eg:

smartthings.exe presentation:device-config:generate xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxx -j

After this, you need to make the corresponding changes, eg. I see that the range of ColorTemperature was modified to 2700 - 6500
Once it’s complete, you create the presentation using:

smartthings.exe presentation:device-config:create -i newDevConfigPres.json
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@iquix thank you very much for your help

I was using VID instead of profile id.

@nayelyz , thanks. I don’t want to create a copy, just take a glance to see how it should look like.

Is generating device config from json and yml works the same?


has an option to work both JSON and YML files, but I never have seen someone recommending to use -y flag. Is there any reason for that?

Yes, it’s the same.

No, it’s just because for some devs, JSON is the common format, but you can use the one you prefer :smiley:

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