Power flickered and now FUBAR

So my power flickered. All my lights came on as expected. The problem is now I can’t control anything. This is cree, GE, and Philips bulbs. Everything that was off, now shows on. Everything that was on, now shows off, but they are. The only things I can control are philips bulbs, but only via a Philips switch and the hub. What do I do?

Edit:. Seems the problem is with the smart things app. I have full control via Alexa and my core triggers are working.

Unplug the hub, including taking The batteries out, for at least 15 minutes. Then put it back on power. This will cause it to re-sync with your cloud account and may solve the problem.

If not, you’ll need to contact support.


I had this same situation to happen last week. @JDRoberts’ above advice worked for me.


I gave up after 30m and went to bed. It fixed itself overnight though. Thanks