(Jon Rust)
April 26, 2018, 2:38am
I have a sensor on the dog food container. Whenever the dogs get fed, the sensor trips, and the time is available in SmartThings. It would be awesome to be able ask Alexa “When was the last time dogs were fed?” Is it possible? (Never developed a smartthing app nor Alexa skill.)
I would recommend posting in this thread as Ask Alexa may be able to do this:
All, this is a new thread from my conversation in the Alexa Helper area ([RELEASE] Alexa Helper )
I am officially announcing my new Ask Alexa Smart App. This is what a lot of us have been looking for when it was announced that SmartThings would work with the Amazon Echo (‘Alexa’). Unfortunately, the integration was one-way and limited. You could not query your devices to find out their status, and you had NO access to modes, SHM or routines. I attempted to fill the gap with Alexa Helper, and it did a great job at giving you additional control over items using simple on/off commands. I even got into the ‘feedback’ piece by sending a voice output to a Sonos speaker. But, I always felt this was a ‘hack’…why ask a speaker (Alexa) to report out on another speaker.
Well, with the guidance of @N…
(Micheal )
April 26, 2018, 1:07pm
Ask Alexa can certainly do this. You will need to set up a voice report and do some filtering of the output, but this certainly possible.
Let me know if you need assistance getting Ask Alexa installed and we can develop this voice report together.