Playing a specific source / playlist / song on Sonos

Did you get a chance to look at my note above? I am going to release a new version of the scenario child app and wanted to get clarification of what you meant in your last reply…

yes your code is working fine now.


Excellent…The new addition is now in the release that will be coming out in the next week or sooner. Thanks for guiding me through what you were seeing and testing the code for me!

If you have a Harmony Hub you can setup an activity to play a specific station on a Sonos speaker then have SmartThings turn the “switch” for that activity on/off just like any other switch. I really wish the Sonos integration for SmartThings worked the way it was marketed (since that is what sparked me to invest in Sonos vs the Logitech setup I had), but the Harmony workaround does seem to work reliably (and it’s much more responsive).