Particle HTTP Post button and history with New ST App

Hi, @kulbozz

If you’re trying to create the virtual device through the “My Devices” section (specifying your DTH) and it is not appearing, try creating a Virtual/Simulated Switch instead, then at your DTH’s simulator, use it instead of the “Virtual” default choice.

Now, to get started with the feed command migration, please set up the SmartThings CLI, which has a helper tool to create custom capabilities easily with the following command:

smartthings capabilities:create

In addition, once you’ve started to create your custom capability, create an attribute, and you’ll be prompted to create a Setter command or not. This is important because even if enum/basic commands are supported, at this moment custom capabilities work reliably with setter associations.

As soon as finish your capability, let me know so we can move on with the development of your capabilities presentation.

Note: As mentioned at this announcement, once we’ve migrated your command into a custom capability, history events will be available again