[OBSOLETE] ZWN-SC7 Enerwave 7 Button Scene Controller

Indeed. Good call. It was actually the main switch it was controlling fell off the Z-wave network (also annoying)… Still dreading moving this over to my v2 hub, whenever that comes.

Just got the joined again to my new v2 hub. Haven’t dove into the logs yet, but can someone refresh my memory of what only button #1 working is indicative of? Have tried the configure tile and excluding / including many times. Button #1 works, I get fast flashing on every other button.

I’ve switched over completely to v2 of the hub and button presses are only responded to about 50% of the time. They are all showing up in the activity log though.

Same issues with V1, why do we think it would change? Log has always been good, to me this says it’s not a device issue, ST is getting the presses, just don’t want to process it properly. This issue combined with lack of support for an integrated garage door (promised at ces) leads me to believe it’s time to find another sys. Not hearing any great improvemen’s for V2…

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I didn’t have the problem with v1, but I know others did. All of my motion sensors, door sensors, water sensors, etc fire off 100%. Not sure why this is different.

I’m crossing my fingers OpenHAB 2.0 comes together. Until then I’ll limp with ST — and if they start to deliver, thrive?


In my case I had to exclude and then include a couple times until the “only button 1” thing went away.


If not for the community, I’d been gone a long time ago…

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2nd that. After a dozen exclude / include / configure cycles I have it recognizing all the buttons again.

Anyone have any experience with the Leviton VRCS4-M0Z? The reliability issues / “sleep” problem with the Enerwave are starting to be a major WAF hurdle. That fella ain’t cheep, but if it can reliably toggle lights, at least as reliably as the Minimote, it would be well worth the cost.

Leviton discussion in the following topic. ( please don’t hijack this thread for discussion of the Leviton device, as it confuses new users. )

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Does anyone see any reason why the Enerwave wouldn’t work in this enclosure?

I’m thinking about picking a couple of these to deploy throughout the home with the Enerwave units for “tabletop” control in the living room, bedroom, etc.

As far as I can tell, it will work just fine.

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I see no reason why it wouldn’t. But when you combine the price of that with the zwn-sc7 you’re way more expensive then a minimote would be. A v1 minimote is about $20, give you 8 commands and doesn’t require itself to be plugged in.

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Very valid points.

To counter: I have cats that steal stuff and hide it.
They took the cordless mouse for my HTPC a couple of weeks ago, and I recently found it up on the cat hammock I built on the wall.

Something with some heft, and plugged in would not be able to be stolen by the cats, and would provide the long term reliability of a hard wired switch. Not to mention that the WAF would go through the roof if she had some clearly labeled buttons to control various functions available.

Right now, the home automation is a gimmick to her, and she has minimal control over the house beyond pressing an actual switch at the entrance to the room.
If I could make things more functional for her, she’d better appreciate it.

I’d be very dubious on this device increasing WAF. It’s very unreliable; missing button presses, falling ‘asleep,’ etc. I’d be thrilled if ST would officially support just ONE mains powered button controller, or if the community could find one we could get to work reliably, but right now it is a desert. On the other hand, MInimote have always been extremely reliable for me, and now with support in Smart Lights, should be able to run locally as well. This device at best is for beta, non-critical deployments.

I still don’t think it’s the device, every key press shows up in my logs, thus this is ST’s sleeping or has it on low priority…

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I’m with you… The dupes that show up in the device are weird too… Did @tgauchat have any luck diving into the device driver? Obviously everyone is in SHTF mode right now dealing with their own setup with all the “issues” (nice words only) surrounding the launch of v2 hub / app / platform.

@codytruscott did a much deeper dive than I ever intended, but I’m not sure what conclusion(s) were reached.

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I concluded that the response time it takes to ‘handle’ the button press in the cloud is what deterrmend how many duplicate presses existed.

My hope was that this would be easily solved by hub 2.0 local processing, but we all know how that story turned out.

Hub 2.0 currently sits idle while I decide if I’m jumping ship to OpenHAB.

Also, the ‘sleepy’ issue is solvable in code.

Essentially, I’m fairly certain all the issues are a ST cloud problem & with alternatives on the horizon, my tolerance levels are sinking.


Any hints on where to start? I’m been playing with the timer and counts in the dedupe code, and that seems to have improved reliability a bit. But I still have the sleepy issue, where the press is recognize by the device, but never gets passed to the smartapp.

Is the button press showing up in ST’s Activity Logs?