[OBSOLETE] Xiaomi Sensors and Button (beta)

Thanks, @bobbles.

Actually, @ArstenA has copied pretty much my same explanation as this into the first post of his ST Community thread focused on using Xiaomi devices with the more updated Xiaomi device handler repository that he’s maintaining on GitHub.

However, if he prefers this text explanation over my previous one, he’s welcome to paste that in instead!

I’d just like to hear some feedback as to whether this helps other people, because I went through many many pairing attempts with the Xiaomi sensors I have in order to come up with this set of steps.

In any event, I have ordered 3 other Xiaomi devices - including one that I haven’t seen anyone using with SmartThings yet - and have 100% confidence that I’ll be able to get them paired and working with my ST hub. Time will tell, though!