[OBSOLETE] SHM Delay Version 2.0

Figured I’d ask this here since I am using SHM Delay…

Does SHM have any ability to not allow arming if the sensors that are monitored are not in closed or a defined state when the mode changes?

Traditional alarm panels would not allow you to arm if there were zones open or in fault… Looking for similar functionality.

Unfortunately no. However, both shm and shm delay issue push or sms notifications for open monitored contact sensors when the system is armed. I don’t know what shm does for sensors that are malfunctioning.

Thanks so much for the quick fix. Question for you, I’m currently using v2 (non-beta) do I need to uninstall v2 than start from scratch with from the beta repo?

  • SHM Delay V2.1.9 Save and Publish
  • SHM Delay Child V2.1.0 Save, do not publish

Simply update the two modules from beta and try it. Settings do not change.

[Deprecated] Beta release Oct 18, 2018 12:01AM EDT

Changes and Updates

  1. Support for RBoy Keypad DTH: Turn on flag in global setting when using the RBoy DTH.

  2. When using a SHM Delay Talker profile: fixes sending multiple redundant non keypad exit talk messages to Lannouncer.
    Note: When arming from a non-keypad device or source, and multiple delay profiles are set, the announced non-keypad delay is the minimum time coded on all delay profiles, since we don’t know which door you will be using to exit the facility. However, should a door open, the actual non-keypad delay time coded in the delay profile is used for the exit delay calculation. This is a compromise avoiding a substantial code change.

  3. In ModeFix you may now set if a AlarmState/Mode combination creates an exit and or entry delay.
    For example: When setting Alarm State: Stay, Mode: Stay you may have an exit delay and no entry delay. Should you choose you may also set Away mode to have no exit or entry delay.
    Note: when arming with an exit delay in Stay/Night/Partial from a keypad, the keypad device firmware lights the Away/On key during the exit delay. The Stay/Partial key lights when the exit delay expires.

  4. In Global settings when two or more keypads are defined, the exit delay time may be set for each keypad. When the system is armed from a keypad the respective exit delay time is used.

Installation: Please Update from the beta repo. See directions paragraph 28

  • SHM Delay V2.2.0 Save and Publish
  • SHM Delay Child V2.1.1 Save, do not publish
  • SHM Delay Modefix V0.1.5 Save, do not publish

Settings Changes

  1. Verify the default entry/exit settings in ModeFix then save

  2. In Global Settings: When two or more keypads are defined, set each keypad’s delay time, tap Next, then Save

Please report any issues.

Tag: @gomedog @Brian_W

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Thank you Arnb.

How would one go about doing this? Is this a user profile named “Modefix” ? So far I have managed to figure everything else out but how to fix the mode when the SMH mode is changed from another device other than the keypad I have configured.

I think I figured my problem out. Looks like if you dont want through the SMH Delay"Set Active Mod Fix Settings" options and click “save” the app doesnt actually begin the modefixing. Sorry for the dumb user moment. Great app by the way !

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Not sure I understand this. However, the global Modefix setting should be on/true. The remainder of your edit comment is correct.

BTW there is a lot to take in and understand on this app, and how it interacts with SHM. You did the right thing by asking a question.

Phone correction / typo… sorry about that. It should read "Looks like if you dont walk through the SMH Delay “Set Active Mod Fix Settings” options and click “save” …

I basically enabled the slider but didnt go through the “Active Mode Fix Settings” options and save it.

Thanks for making this, I have been using a samsung smartthings at my place for a long time mainly using core but when I went to setup another location with basic security functionality this is perfect and saves me a bunch of time getting something for my family setup.

Beta release Oct 21, 2018 14:15PM EDT

Changes and Updates

  1. Added: When arming from a keypad optionally check that selected contact sensors are closed before arming system or setting Exit Delay.There are Global settings for Stay and Away. When a specified contact is open you may set the system to issue a: Notification, Push Msg, SMS, Talk. For Talk SHM Delay Talker must be installed with a Talk profile.

  2. Support for RBoy Keypad DTH: Turn on flag in global setting when using the RBoy DTH.

  3. When using a SHM Delay Talker profile: fixes sending multiple redundant non keypad exit talk messages to Lannouncer.
    Note: When arming from a non-keypad device or source, and multiple delay profiles are set, the announced non-keypad delay is the minimum time coded on all delay profiles, since we don’t know which door you will be using to exit the facility. However, should a door open, the actual non-keypad delay time coded in the delay profile is used for the exit delay calculation. This is a compromise avoiding a substantial code change.

  4. In ModeFix you may now set if a AlarmState/Mode combination creates an exit and or entry delay.
    For example: When setting Alarm State: Stay, Mode: Stay you may have an exit delay and no entry delay. Should you choose you may also set Away mode to have no exit or entry delay.
    Note: when arming with an exit delay in Stay/Night/Partial from a keypad, the keypad device firmware lights the Away/On key during the exit delay. The Stay/Partial key lights when the exit delay expires.

  5. In Global settings when two or more keypads are defined, the exit delay time may be set for each keypad. When the system is armed from a keypad the respective exit delay time is used.

Installation: Please Update from the beta repo. See directions paragraph 28

  • SHM Delay V2.2.1 Save and Publish
  • SHM Delay Child V2.1.1 Save, do not publish
  • SHM Delay Modefix V0.1.5 Save, do not publish
  • SHM Delay Talker V1.0.2 Save, do not publish

Settings Changes

  1. Global settings add contacts that must be closed in order to arm the system

  2. Verify the default entry/exit settings in ModeFix then save

  3. In Global Settings: When two or more keypads are defined, set each keypad’s delay time, tap Next, then Save

Please report any issues.

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Sorry, found the problem. IRIS keypad said offline so essentially it worked local, but not with the delay in cloud…

Well, so I uninstalled everything and then pulled down all the beta components. The app now reports v2.2.1.

I’m not seeing any setting related to an alternate DTH in Global Settings. I do see the setting near the top for “SHM is activated by a simulated or real keypad” but when I click on that I get an error in the IDE:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method size() on null object @line 256 (doCall)

I am doing this from an iPad Mini instead of a phone but I don’t think that is relevant.

Appreciate the precise information regarding the error. It was attempting to test an undefined global for size, apparently 0 is not the result :exploding_head:

Please update, save and publish module SHM Delay from the beta repo and let me know your results.

The RBoy DTH option displays after the keypad flag is set on

Yeah, I get a lot of the same error in my own apps that I end up wasting endless hours writing almost as much code as the app itself to get around. If only Groovy would handle null without having to do a lot of checks and/or weird Elvis operator statements.

It might make sense to somehow group all the keypad-related settings but just a thought. I do get the RBoy flag now, and after I turn it on I then go back up and select “Real Keypads used to arm and disarm SHM” but it tells me that there are “no devices to connect” or similar. No messages at all in the logs either.

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Please go into the IDE, My devices, scroll to the Keypad device, then send me the exact information in the “Type” field.
It’s expecting EnhancedZigBeeKeypadLock (spaces are removed in the smartapp)

If it says Centralite Keypad, it’s not the RBoy DTH (unless it was changed) and turn off the RBoy flag

The RBoy DTH v01.03.01 is in use currently though I had previously had the original one from Mitch that you are talking about. Under Type I see “Enhanced ZigBee Keypad Lock” which seems to match what you are expecting:


Please use the DTH suggested in the SHM Delay documentation until I can figure this out.

Ok, easy enough, just switched the type to the original one and turned off the RBoy flag and now I get a device in the list to select. Now to test the rest of this out…

After rereading the ST Input documentation, the input device definition was changed from
EnhancedZigbeeKeypadLock (note lower case b in Zigbee)

I was pleasantly surprised when this worked. Also moved the RBoy DTH selector to a place in the input selector stream that makes more sense and is easier to use.

Tag: @RBoy @maddie @joelw135

Please update module SHM Delay from the arnbme SHMDelay beta repo - Save and Publish

@LLwarrenP please restore the RBoy DTH device type name and retry.

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Yes, this is working now in that it picks up the RBoy DTH. Thanks!

I’m having other issues, namely I get a warning "Invalid code XXXX detected trying to unlock keypad " in the DTH logs but it might be me not following directions in the SHM Delay app. I’ve run out of time to debug ATM but from reading through sections of the guide, here are my exact steps:

  1. Install app from scratch
  2. Open app and select “Globals Settings” and make these changes, in this order:
    a. A real or simulated Keypad is used… (On)
    b. I am using the RBoy Keypad DTH (On)
    c. Real Keypads used to arm and disarm SHM -> Selected the keypad device from list
  3. From the main menu, select “Create a New User Profile”
    a. specify 4-digit code
    b. specify user name

Based on my interpretation of the instructions under 13. How to Use Keypads, this seems to follow completion of steps 1 and 3 (step 2 seems optional - but is it?) but I have a feeling there must be something missing such as programming the keypad memory and so on. I’m out of time for the moment but maybe you can give me some tips on what step I may have neglected in my efforts to create a minimal install that just enables the keypad and shows the SHM status on the keypad?